24 March 2005 | 9:43 a.m.


Oh, I�m irritated. Like, not all flippin� out irritated, just generally irritated. And I�m going off, I�m going to vent like a crazy lady. Consider this your warning. If you don�t want to waste your time reading the Rantings and Ravings of Dukkha, don�t bother. It�s fine with me. I understand.

First off, this dland shit is just bugging the living shit out of me. First, any images I uploaded between January and last week are fucking gone. My private entries are fucking gone and I don�t have the option of making a private entry. Doesn�t this server place fucking understand that this time of the month, the need for private entries is at it�s highest? Ugh. And then yesterday, the non-gold members couldn�t update? WTF? That irritates.

So, I�ve been surfing the net for another site. I�m not gone yet, but I�m getting fucking close. I checked out Blogger a bit more, but I�m not terribly impressed with it. I don�t care for Livejournal at all. So, I checked out Xanga and Typepad, which Xanga seemed okay but had a shitload of teenyboppers and every blog I found that was a grown up was all Christian-y and shit. Is Dland the only place where the f-bomb dropping old people hang out?

I basically want a place just like dland, only better. Maybe a place where someone actually works there. I want to have a profile, I want to be able to upload images there, I want the comments feature AND I want to do the three options thing. And I�d like a new page for every update. I just can�t get into the �weblog� style, not for myself anyway. And a buddy list. Any recommendations?

I won�t just disappear if this ever does happen. I don�t want to do that. I�m just really fed up. It takes a lot for me to think about this. Dland is the only site I�ve really used for my diary, and I�ve been here for four years, in one incarnation or another (previous incarnations have disappeared with the Great Dland Crash of January 2005).


The second thing irritating me is, you guessed it, my old man. I am getting so sick and tired of being married to a moron. (In his defense, he really isn�t retarded. He�s got a brain in his head and is not as stupid as he tries to come off). It�s the literacy thing. It�s driving me fucking bananas.

The other day, he went to register the business with the state. Yey, right? We had to change the name, because �Hub�s Landscaping� was taken, so he had to think of another name. No biggie. He thought of a great one, and if I could post a private entry, I�d actually put it there to share with everyone, but I can�t, so I won�t.

I�ve mentioned before how he has no clue at all about the internets. How he thinks you have to wait for your email address to be given to you by the internet office. How he�ll go to a website he�s never been to before and ask, �What�s my username and password?�. I have no patience for being asked this repeatedly after I explain, �Have you ever been to that site before? Have you ever registered there? No? Then you need to sign up�. But every fucking time, without fail, he�ll go somewhere and ask again. (I suppose he�s improved some, because he used to think �click here!� was an order and he�d click fucking everything and then wonder why the hell he had three billion pop-ups everywhere and then there was that time we got the $69.00 charge on the phone bill for the call to Guana or wherever, when we were in dial up, thanks to his clicking on the wrong site).

So, he fills out the application to register the business with the state, and it asks for an email address, and he puts in [newbusinessname]athotmail.com. Even though we haven�t even signed up for that, and that the email we have in the old business name is more established AND fucking paid for.

It�s really not a big deal, but after dealing with the same fucking bullshit over and over again (sing those last three words like Nelly and Tin McGraw, because that�s how I mean it to sound), I�m losing patience. It�s not just that. It�s everything. If it has anything to do with reading and writing, he just assumes I�ll do it. And I am there to prove him wrong. Oh, make me the brains of the operation? I�ll do it at my convenience. Not his. Just like he does all the shit he needs to do at his convenience.

This man could fuck up a wet dream and it�s all due to carelessness. And inattention. I mean, I wish he could give simple things in life as much attention as he does to building a walk or a waterfall. But no, that might mean missing a chance to talk on the fucking phone or watch some stupid movie.

His family is driving me nuts too. I love these people, I married into them and I knew full well what I was getting into. I mean driving me nuts lightheartedly. I think. First, Hub�s step dad�s condition is not as dire as we were led to believe. Yes, he�s really sick. He�s on a ventilator, only because he�s a cantankerous old guy who really didn�t want the oxygen mask on his face. Funny old coot. Someone like that should live to be 100 with spirit like that.

So, everyone takes the fucking day off and makes the hour drive to the hospital he�s at, and it turns out he may live after all. He might pass on, too, who knows. But he�s not knocking on death�s door like Millie made it out to be. He�s supposed to be seeing a doctor who�ll have the real scoop today.

Remember, I get a lot of my info regarding this filtered through Hub, which means inaccuracies abound. The King of Misinformation.

And then one of his wicked whine-ass sisters, Millie Jr., who I�ve never written about here, and her husband, Mr. Way-Too-Friendly (ladies, you know this guy. Not good looking, thinks he�s a stud, always wants a hug and touches WAY TOO MUCH, when he gets accused of sexual harassment--which he did, more than once--you are not surprised in the least), called yesterday. Mr. Way-Too-Friendly works at the hospital where Tina checked herself in the other day. He not only told Millie Jr. that Tina was checking in (which is like a major, major breach of the privacy act and HIPAA), but then had the nerve to be all offended by Hub not saying hi! Hello? Are we fucking 12? Even my 12 year old self thinks that�s a tad bit childish.

So Hub sat there on the phone going off on Millie Jr. I had to listen to all 20 minutes of it the first time, then listen to him recount the whole conversation, mostly his side of it. Uh, yeah, I just listened to everything you said, and now you�re going to repeat it for me? Gee, thanks.

End Rant.

Is there nothing funnier than Patrick dancing around in fishnet stockings and big black high-heeled boots while Spongebob sings Twisted Sister? I could watch this all day long. As a matter of fact, I just might. We got �The Spongebob Squarepants Movie� in the mail yesterday, and this is viewing number 5.

I also got �Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle�. I watched most of it last night before falling asleep. Fucking goddamn hilarious. Kumar is my new pretend boyfriend.

I�m loving the whole Bl0ckbuster 0nline thing. Nobody else here was thrilled with the idea at first, especially Hub, but now they love seeing those little yellow and blue packages in the mail now. Surprise, we have movies!

Anyway, I�ve got to get truckin�.


Listening to: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie!

Currently reading: "Switcheroo" Olivia Goldsmith

Thinking about: Nothing in particular. Is it wrong to want a beer at 9:45 am? I want one. I won't have one, but damn I want one.