13 April 2005 | 11:39 a.m.

I got no title for this, so there.

I thought I was a stay at home mom, but I�ve spent my whole morning working. Working on work and kids. I can definitely say that I am not one of those sitting on my ass watching soaps and eating bon-bons kinda women.

What the fuck are bon-bons, anyway? Candy?

Yey, more fun with the neighbors. A little clarification, there are four duplexes on our little private road, which I refer to as the common driveway. It�s really a private road, not maintained by the town but by the property owners. To me, that means not public. Now, the neighbors in three of the duplexes are normal folks who are pretty cool (despite some having asshole kids). Even the Brazilians are cool, even though for a long time I thought the woman living there was insane, but she really isn�t. But one duplex, the one where Nancy and Cornholio live, really sucks.

Cornholio is Beavis�s best bud. I like him a lot. He lives with his mom, step-dad and three step sibs. His mom is cool. The oldest step-sister is cool. The step-dad (�Hot Karl�, and not because he�s hot, but I�m referencing the obscure sexual term, which has to do with shit depending on the source, and also because his name is Karl) and the two younger kids? SUCK. For some reason, Hot Karl and Nancy seem to think that our private road is public and that Beavis and Cornholio will get arrested for riding the Bolens riding mower on it. So, Cornholio got grounded for riding on it.

Beavis came home yesterday and he was LIVID about it. He wanted to ride the Bolens all afternoon down by them just to piss them off, but I wouldn�t allow it. The less trouble we have with those schizoids (Nancy and Hot Karl), the better.

We personally don�t hear much from Hot Karl, but one night last summer, his spaz kid, one of the ones I don�t care for, went running home with stories of evil happening in my front yard (a hyped up, embellished version of the truth), and instead of coming up and reasonably asking exactly what happened, he came up yelling and screaming and insulting me and Beavis. That was it for me with him, and he has not ever received a wave or a hello from me since.

All I could think of though, when he came up the driveway all wound up was , �Dude ran out of weed, I guess�. I relayed the story to my dear cousin, without mentioning my theory on the lack of weed, and she said, �Wow, he ran out, huh?�.

We don�t even know for sure if he does smoke weed.

Anyway, if the past week is any indication, I�ll be venting in here a lot about these fucking freaks and their fucking asshat kids a lot in the next few months. Again, I�m so happy they�re two houses down and I can�t even see their house from mine.

Not much else to write about. Hub and I aren�t getting along very well, I shut my fucking Nextel off this morning because I didn�t want his stupid chirp-chirping on me all morning. We�re both so stressed about the business, and I�m stressed about everything else, too. My teeth grinding? The source of my headache yesterday.

My local rag is doing an excellent series of articles regarding a big drug bust that happened around 2001. The police got a bunch of big dealers, guys who�d been doing it for decades. And yeah, some people I know. One a little too well! Here�s the link to the first article (the rest are linked at the bottom of the article), if you have like a wicked bunch of time on your hands. All kinds of info about these guys, their sentences, forfeiture proceedings, surveillance, wire-taps, lots of good stuff. Oh yeah and you can see what my local rag is. Fuck it. The link is only good through Sunday 4/17/05, then they archive it and you have to buy a subscription to access it.

Well, I�ve got a whopping 30 minutes left before I get four more kids to deal with. Bobby and Cindy. Ugh. They should live on this street, they�ve got the whole misbehaving, disrespecting thing down pat.

Anyway. Later!

Listening to: Bush. Gavin wants me to swallow. Sure! Gwen won't get mad, will she?

Currently reading: Nothing, though I'm scheduled to start "Speaking in Tongues" by Jeffery Deaver sometime.

Thinking about: Everything.