17 May 2005 | 10:19 a.m.

"Strong is Vader. Mind what you have learned. Save you it can".

My kids have become really good at quoting movies. They even quote movies they�ve never seen, they�ve just heard us quote them over and over again. Like, the Freakshow scene from �Harold and Kumar�. They get picked up by Freakshow, who�s this creepy tow truck guy with hideous boils all over his face and neck, and they thank him for picking them up. He says, �Oh no that�s no problem at all. I saw you two stranded alone in the darkness and I said to myself, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?!?�. (The �WWJD� part has to be exclaimed like a southern preacher would). This is Minnie and Mickey�s favorite quote, they blurt it out all the time. Too funny.

They did see some of �Meet The Fockers�, and of course, they were lucky enough to see the scene where little Jack calls big Jack an asshole. They love this, and will constantly say �aaaa-ho� and do the sign for �I�m watching you�. And Minnie also saw the part toward the end, where the cop finds Jack�s rubber boobie, so her other favorite quote is, �Hey check it out! We gotta rubber boobie!�. They kill me, they really do.

Speaking of the Fockers, I�m so glad they all ganged up on Jack at the end and put him in his place. Damn did he piss me off. Reminded me of the old days with Dick, with his jealousy and distrust and control issues. Ugh. Injecting poor Gaylord with truth serum, who the fuck does that? Gaylord Focker is a good man, for crying out loud!!!

I have no life, I know. It�s all kids and a husband who pisses me off to no end and a business that he�ll destroy and constant relentless thoughts about my neighbor that I really shouldn�t be thinking! Oh yeah, that and movies and beer and pot. That�s about it.

So, I had no other kids yesterday. Andrea�s man stayed home with them. Yey! I went for a little hike in the woods with my camera and the kids. We got some mad trails out there, they go into Mass eventually. If I�d had more time, I�d try to go for it. If I had a four wheeler I would too, that�s what the trails are for. Nice, huh?

I just love my camera. I�ve always enjoyed taking pictures and it�s so nice with the digi cam. I believe I found a hobby. Check me out at Flickr . Smokey thinks I have a good eye, and since he has that artsy fartsy side, I believe he might know what he�s talking about.

I won�t let Hub anywhere near the camera. Because you know, I love the thing so much, that even just a moment in his hands would render it completely useless. You think I�m kidding, but I�m serious as a heart attack. He destroys everything in his path! Destroys it, I say! And if it can�t be destroyed, then he�ll just fuck it up as much as possible.

I�m trying with him. I really am. But then he goes and pisses me off again and makes me realize why I get so pissed at him. It could be worse, and I think back to the days of being with Dick and that was a lot worse. But still, every day my patience gets thinner and thinner. If there�s any validity to the phrase �falling out of love�, I believe I�m in the process. According to what he says, it�s the exact opposite for him. He fears losing me more than anything, or so he says. Too bad he can�t show it.

And I realize that I don�t have it so bad here. It�s not so bad, aside from not being able to stand him half the time. For one, he�s gone most of the time. That makes things easier. I love this house and the location, it�s just wonderful here, really. Except for the stupid neighbors kids, oh and the fact that my landlord�s wife is a TOTAL FUCKING DOUCHEBAG, but we don�t ever have to talk to her so that�s cool. But other than that, I don�t have too much to complain about, on the grand scale. I mean, Hub hasn�t destroyed me YET, so I can�t bitch about that yet. It�s my fear that he will that�s got me worried.

Enough about him.

Me and the kids are pumped to see �Revenge of the Sith� this weekend. Mickey has become quite a little Star Wars fan. I saw �Phantom Menace� but wasn�t very excited about it, and I didn�t even see �Attack of the Clones�, nor do I think I will. But this one, oh, this one I�m way too excited about. Queue up the Darth Vader music.

My dad took Ned and I to see the first Star Wars in the spring or summer of 1977, when it first came out. We were hooked, I instantly became Princess Leia and Ned was Luke Skywalker. I wish we still had all of Ned�s action figures and toys (and you know, I wish we�d left them in the packages too) because that shit would be worth some serious cash. He had everything, the Millenium Falcon, X-wing fighters, Tie-fighters, Luke�s land rover thingie, Storm Troopers, Darth Vader, Greedo, Boba Fett, Han, Chewie, Luke, sand people, Yoda, everything, you name it, he had it. I had a Leia doll (like Barbie size) and a big stuffed Chewie.

Anyway, my mom didn�t go to see it with us, she said she didn�t like to watch �that junk�. And then, the next summer, they re-released it in the theaters, and that time she went. It was not too long before she got really sick. I remember saying to her, �I thought you didn�t like to watch this junk� and she shut me up as quick as she could. She must have changed her mind about it when it turned out to be such a big hit. Or maybe she knew she was getting sick and wanted to be with her kids more. Who knows.

George Lucas isn�t going to do the other three because this round took a decade to complete and he doesn�t have the time for more. George, come on. You know you have another good decade in you. Maybe if you hadn�t skipped making these movies from like, what 1983 until 1999, maybe you�d have had more time to fit the other three in. Like I�m in any position to criticize George Lucas for what he does with his time, right?

Anyway, I�m stocked full of other people�s kids now. Whoopee-fucking-doo. I gotta go.


Listening to: Lit. The song about the car in the front yard. I love this tune. I could have written it.

Currently reading: "lost boy lost girl" Peter Straub

Thinking about: Nothing really. My belly's feeling a little icky.