17 June 2005 | 2:37 p.m.


I, the self-proclaimed retard, have been extremely busy today. I�m amazed that I have a few moments of down time to write this. Having no QB for basically four days left a lot of playing catch-up to do. Then I had the home front to take care of. Bills to pay, errands to run, yada yada yada. Then I got home just in time for Makayla and Colin to show up and made lunch, cut up a bunch of veggies, washed dishes and folded laundry (no pen marks this time! Because I learned my lesson and started checking their nasty ass pockets. I didn�t find any pens but I did find a small fortune in change. Which I keep, btw. I consider my laundry tips).

Is that fucking fascinating or what?

I got my dad a Dunkin Donuts card for $50 for Father�s Day. He should be happy with that. I never know what to get him. For a while I was buying him shit with roosters on it for his house, but he�s pretty much rooster-ed out. And he has pretty much every piece of Dale Earnhardt memorabilia I could have bought him too. So, I figure $50 of Dunkins is cool.

I talked to him this morning. He�s switching to day shift at work as of next week. My dad has worked 2nd shift for roughly 25 years, so it�s a big change. My dad is very resistant to change, but he�s had more of it in the past four years or so than I saw him go through the whole time I was growing up and into my 20�s. New vehicles, new house, new job (he worked for Nashua Corporation for 30 years when he got laid off. He had five months of severance pay form them, but found another job within three months. He�s not the type to sit around and do nothing. He�ll be working well after retirement, not because he�ll need the cash, because he�ll get bored). Oh, and AND he has another new girlfriend. He was seeing this chick Cindy for a year or so, but met another woman Kathy at work and dumped Cindy for her. Cad. I doubt he�ll ever get married again though. Or even live with someone. He is way too set in his ways.

Anyway. He lives in Greenfield, and conveniently we�ll be out that way tomorrow for Hub�s nephew Les�s graduation party, so I can just stop by and drop his card off while I�m there.

So that�s my blurb on my dad. Not anywhere near as touching as Ali�s (she�s locked or else I�d link, but I know we have a few readers in common). That just about brought a tear to my eye.

Oh! I got a call this morning from Shauna, Butthead and Hilda�s mom. It seems as though Hilda has been a real handful, still stealing things from home and smoking! Little shit! She was caught stealing cigarettes from Shauna this morning. Shauna wanted to know if we could restrict her this weekend on the computer and phone and shit. No problem! I think it�s funny, because a few years ago, you�d have thought Butthead would have been the bigger problem of the two, but he�s been a cakewalk compared to the shit that Hilda�s been pulling. Shauna wanted her, she made her bed, now she can lie (lay?) in it.

And Hilda gets to come here today and listen to Hub go off on her. Pure torture for her. Oh well! I�m glad she hasn�t been stealing from us, after he set her ass straight, but we still don�t trust her. She didn�t when we went to NY last year, and she�s better not this year, or I�ll pick up and leave the second I find out she does.

I woke up this morning and discovered a rash on my back. Yesterday, it looked like a bug bite and now it�s spread. I have no clue what it is, but of course I think the worst. My first thought was scabies. OMG, I have scabies and now everyone in the house is going to get it and I�m going to be washing sheets and blankets forever! And I have no health insurance so I�ll have to pay out money to see a doctor�yada yada yada. But if it was scabies, Hub at least would have it, and he doesn�t. It doesn�t look like poison ivy, either. It�s not even very itchy, just a little. But it is only on my back in a place that was sunburned. I wonder if it has anything to do with that? I�ve never heard of such a thing, but now I have thoughts of some fast spreading skin cancer all over my back because of my foolishly going in the sun for the first time this year at the beach with no sunblock.

I�m nothing if not a hypochondriac.

Boys are home, and I have to go pick up Hilda. You know those boys are all over Hilda being in the shit. They are loving it. I�m hoping they make fun of her for smoking so she�ll stop. Idiot.

I�m out until at least Monday. Have a terrific weekend!


Listening to: "Been Caught Stealing" Jane's Addiction

Currently reading: "Dark Horse" Tami Hoag

Thinking about: More fucking riding around. I'm picking up a six pack while I'm out.