29 June 2005 | 10:20 a.m.

"Smokin' weed, smokin' wizz, / Doin' coke, drinkin' beers, / Drinkin' beers, beers, beers, / Rollin' fattys, smokin' blunts, / Who smokes the blunts? / We smoke the blunts. / Rollin' blunts and smokin'...\

Whoa. Was I pissed last night or what? I guess I get a little touchy when it comes to The Douchebag and her taking advantage of the child support thing. She has said to more than one person that her goal is to �ruin� Hub�s life, and she just can�t do it, no matter how hard she tries. But, I still get wound up about it at times. Then I remember where it�s coming from and I calm back down.

I think that there is something seriously not right with the fact that I can drink a pint of Jager and get all shitty, and yet not feel crappy at all the next morning. Not at all. Not even sleep deprived. This is just wrong. I haven�t had a beer in over a week, on account of the fact that hangover-less Jager is now rocking my world. And contributing heavily to my alcoholism.

I did it, folks. I made the transition from beer to hard liquor. Just like that. Know what�s good? Red Bull and Smirnoff Twist of Raspberry vodka. Yummy. And Red Bull comes sugar-free, too!

And still I�m kinda �eh� with the marijuana thing. I�m still smoking, but it�s just not a high priority anymore at all. Kinda take it or leave it. I wasn�t even too concerned with taking any to NY, but since Robert owes us cash and we can get it through him for way cheap, I�ll at least have a little to smoke. Steph, Aaron and Kristin all smoke, so at least I can contribute. But, in my old age, I find that I get a nice buzz going on alcohol, take a few hits of weed and I�m ready for bed. And a mass eating binge. And I�m just sick of that.

(OMG, when I was writing about alcohol it reminded me of Mickey. He calls alcohol �uncle-hol�, which is my new word for it).

I never thought I�d see the day when I just didn�t care about smoking weed anymore. If you knew me personally, you�d be surprised, too.

So, I�ll bet my lack of beer-drinking, lack of munchies attacks and the heat & humidity (which puts me into �I don�t want to eat too much� mode) will show on the scale tonight at Weight Watchers. I�m so curious to see.

I�m only going to weigh in, and bring the kids with me. I told Hub I�d forfeit my Wednesday night out so he could get some work done, and besides I�m going for a big break this week anyway. He was so thankful for that.

Oh and my stupid brother Ned! He told me yesterday that his stomach was bothering him, supposedly he has an ulcer (which I�m sure Natty Lite is SO good for) and that was why he needed money yesterday. That�s what he told me. Well, Hub REALLY needs him to work, so he went to his place yesterday. Ned is living with this guy Chris and his woman. So, Hub goes over there and says that Ned hadn�t even been home since the weekend. Hub asked, �Well, where the hell has he been?� and Chris said, �Out drinking in the woods, in the bushes, by the river��. Ulcer my ass.

Don�t you just love how I change from present tense to past tense within the same paragraph? I never said grammar was my strong point.

Last week, my nephew Jaegan (formerly known as Jayden) got his thumb closed in a door and I guess it was pretty bad. Like, the tip of his thumb CAME OFF almost, just hanging there with the bone exposed and all. Poor little guy! Anyway, Nina took him right to the hospital and took care of it, and called and asked if I could bring over her child support check early so she could pick up his meds.

Well, that was Wednesday. Friday Ned found out and called me all pissed because nobody told him. Well, don�t blame that shit on me. I had my own problems to worry about last week and couldn�t be informing everybody in the world about their kids injuries. Especially when that�s Nina�s job.

Then he told me, he�s going to take Nina to court because she didn�t tell him about it. Like he has a leg to stand on. She took care of it, she can�t be charged with neglect or anything. And she�s under no obligation to tell him about it, when he doesn�t have a fucking phone! I can just picture him before the judge, and the judge questioning him about his absence from Jaegan�s life for six months. Retard.

I do so wish he�d get his head out of his ass. But, at 32 years old, if it hasn�t happened yet, it won�t. It�s all about the uncle-hol. His problem is just nasty. Even my dad, when he was a heavy drinker when I was young, functioned very well. Drinking and driving with the kids in the car and his occasional brawls with his buddy Denis aside, my dad made sure we were taken care of and managed to get up and go to work everyday. I mean, sure, he took a fifth of Bacardi with him for lunch, but he went.

He was also big into cocaine (Spanish pronounciation, please: co-cay-an-ya) for a while. Which scared the fuck out of me. One time, when he was with Linda, my friend in NY, she was pissed at him for doing it. He was in the kitchen with his cousin Paul doing it and I was in the living room with my friend (I was like 12 or 13). Nice environment, I know. Anyway, Linda showed up and went into the kitchen and a big fight started.

I never knew exactly what happened until I was about 18, when she told me that she went in there and was so pissed that she took the mirror with the lines on it and just flung it across the room. By then, I knew how cokeheads could be and I was just like, �Damn woman you had balls! They could have KILLED you!!!�. Crazy bitch. She is a ballsy one, though.

Anyway, I need to wrap this up. I�m sure there�s some red on my buddy list by now. Besides, I need breakfast.


Listening to: The Killers. The new one.

Currently reading: Nothing, okay!

Thinking about: Did I mention how great I feel today, despite downing a pint of Jager last night?