30 June 2005 | 12:05 p.m.

"I'm fucking starving. I figured I'd bust you out and we'd go get some burgers".

Ya know, nothing sucks more than going to weigh in at Weight Watchers thinking you did good and then having the scale smack you right upside the head but good. I�ve been so good this week, eating right and being active, not pigging out , haven�t had my usual bazillion beers, yada yada yada, and the scale says, �Bitch, you gained 3 � pounds!�.

I was dumbfounded, to say the least. I said, �But I�m wearing my skinny pants and they�re baggy!�. I was, too, my capris from Aeropostale and all their clothes run small. So, I figure it�s several things, cuz I sure as hell am not packing an extra 6 pounds over goal right now, not of fat, anyway. Number 1, Aunt Flo. That bitch. I thought last week was bloat week, but she just loves to fuck with the cycle. Evidently, I am going to be enjoying her monthly visit while in NY. Thanks, douchebag. Number 2, the heat and humidity, which I thought was working to my advantage. Well, weigh-in lady said that in this kind of weather, if you eat a lot of salt, it stays with you. Well, there you go. I loves me some salt. That Fiesta chicken meal for the burrito thing that I�ve been scarfing down at lunch all week? 570 mgs of sodium. Never mind that not only do I cook with salt, I put it on about every meal. And finally, Number 3, I ate supper last night before weighing in. I never do that, because as much as they say it doesn�t affect your weigh in, I ALWAYS gain if I eat supper before. So there you go. Moo!

So, today is being spent drinking a ton of water and trying to avoid salty stuff, which is pretty fucking difficult for me. Oh and I�m going to chow down major veggies, too.

Anyway. It�s amazing how easy it is to get ready for a trip when you don�t have that whole �going to work 8-5� thing to worry about. (Speaking of which, tomorrow marks my one year anniversary of no longer being part of the work force. You know, the work force that works for other people). Today I got the oil changed in the van. It took a whopping ten minutes and they didn�t try to sell me shit like other places do. I feel so accomplished. Laundry is currently going, and I have done almost everything that needs done for the business in preparation for my being gone.

I even bought a couple of new CDs last night at Wally World. I got Boston�s first one, on account of the fact that I saw something about them on VH-1 the other night and knew I had to put that on the must-have list of Cds, and it was like $9. Also, I got a Led Zeppelin two disc set (Early Days and Latter Days), which I haven�t seen since purchasing because Beavis has been listening to it. Is that cool or what? Beavis digs Led Zep, which was my favorite band growing up. I remember listening to them for hours, on my Walkman cassette player, listening to every layer of music, and loving Jimmy Page�s guitar skill. I used to write �Jimmy Page is God!� on all my books. I was surprised he was into them, and I said, �Ya know, they were old when I was a kid�, but Beavis informed me that the old music is cool again.

When I was in the incredibly suck-tastic music section of Wally World, these two kids, roughly ages 10 and 11, were going through the CDs and music DVDs with their mom, who looked pretty yuppie-ish. These kids were all over the Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd and other classic rock bands. I was having so much fun listening to them. One of them goes, �MOM! Look! Dark Side of the Moon!� And Mom said, �Doesn�t your dad already have that?� And the kid said, �We can�t find it. Can we get it?!?�. Funny.

I had more to write about, but Colin (otherwise known as Wedgie-Boy, as he spent yesterday pretty much up my ass like one, due to two new toofies growing in his little head) and Makayla are due momentarily and I need to throw some food at the kids, too.

I�ll write tomorrow, after Hub goes to his big child support meeting. I have a new theory on the whole thing, one that doesn�t involve The Douchebag being a greedy bitch as much as the caseworker being a fucking retard who probably needs to get laid pretty badly.

Anyway, that�s it, yo. Ciao!!!

Listening to: Sex Pistols? "I did it my way". Is that them? Or who is it? Yes, it is, the DJ just said.

Currently reading: Nothing!

Thinking about: Lunch.