02 August 2004 | 7:54 a.m.

It's a long one, about the joys of kids and blended families.

Today started out with me in a rotten-ass mood ready to kill several children. Not that they did anything this morning, but the events of last night were still brewing around in my head. Another incident between Beavis and Butthead, which absolutely gets me ripshit, because, #1, I am extremely protective of my kids and when I see things happening to them, I get all bent out of shape first before getting the facts, and #2, Butthead is bigger, stronger, older, more aggressive and a better fighter than Beavis. Of course, when I got the full story, Beavis ended up being the initiator, due to his being a drama-queen spaz lately. Not too mention lazy, mouthy, cocky and generally begging for a beating like he's never had.

Hey, I thought that when kids turned 13 or so, they begin to want nothing to do with their parents. In our case, and this is with both boys, it's the opposite. I'd rather have nothing to do with them (and actually, it's my own boy I'd rather have nothing to do with moreso than my stepson), although they seem to enjoy being up our ass like a wedgie on a regular basis.

Beavis's specialty is issues and crises (sp?) and once he has one, I must stop EVERYTHING and right the wrong. A whole week at Boy Scout camp without the drama was wonderful, and it's amazing how quickly it became extremely irritating again. He lost a Gameboy game because he lent it to "Henry" (the 10 year old I'm babysitting for the summer--more on him after) and Henry went and lost it. I have a general policy against lending and borrowing due to that kind of shit, but Beavis doesn't listen to me, as he knows everything and I know nothing. Well, after hearing the drama crisis about how WRONG it was that Henry lost his gane, how he CAN'T BELIEVE it, how he TRUSTED Henry, etc, for the twentieth gajillion time, I flipped on the boy, and it went something like this: "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I'VE TOLD YOU TIME AND TIME AGAIN NOT TO LEND SHIT OUT AND YOU DID AND YOU GOT FUCKED! IT'S OVER, HIS MOTHER GAVE US THE MONEY TO REPLACE THE GAME, NOW LEARN A FUCKING LESSON FROM IT! I'M SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT! NOW, SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Yes, I swear at the kids when I'm at the end of my rope, sometimes when I'm not, and I don't apologize for it. Deal with it. "Cuz I'm a redneck woman..."

Anyway. Henry. If Uncle Bob met this kid, he would have hilarious fodder for weeks. He's a unique little man, that's for sure. 10 years old, little outdoorsman, which is cool, he can fish like a champ, and could probably survive in the wilderness for months. PS2 addict. Very black and white in his thinking, no grey areas, and cannot think outside the box. He is the box. And can talk your ear off forever. Everything is "stupid". Rules, if he doesn't like them, are stupid. Oh, and, being an only child, a very spoiled one at that, he finds "little kids" annoying. And my home happens to be crawling with little kids. Funny thing is, the older kids find him annoying. Fortunately for him, his mother is my 'pin supplier (and that's why I'm not as cranky as I was at 7am this morning), so I can easliy refrain from freaking out on the kid (I tend to be much easier on other people's kids anyway), and I have to constantly remind myself, he's only 10, he's only 10. Trust me, if he were over 18, my tolerance level wouln't be so high. Last week, Minnie was in front of the tv he was playing PS2 on, and he shoved her and pulled her hair. I received a report of this from "Ricky", my friend's son and one of Beavis' best friends who I'm taking care of while his parents are at the NASCAR race in the Poconos (yes, I hang out with rednecks too). Ricky told Henry, "Dude, I'm so telling Dukkha that you did that" and Henry replied, "Go ahead she can't do anything about it". Oh really? I marched right in and told him if I hear anymore reports like that, you will not be allowed to play PS2 at my house anymore. The kid has been in full kiss ass mode ever since.

Anyway. He's leaving for South Dakota Wednesday night, so I'll have almost two weeks respite from him, Ricky si going home Tuesday, and it'll just be me and my kids (and stepkids, from now on if I mention "my kids", they're automatically part of that) and we are going to do family shit. Hilda is coming Wednesday and Daisy is here for the week, sans Tuesday, so I'll have the entire bunch. I'm thinking about hitting the beach, the one at the ocean, for a day of fun, sun and seafood with all the little bastards.

I don't even know if I touched on Hilda and my newfound sympathy for the girl. I had a lot of hostility toward her for months after what happened with her and her mother, etc, but while on vaca, I really had a chance to see that her mother is not taking care of her, and she promised her a rose garden, but the girl got stuck with a bunch of dirt and a few weeds. And she's still just a kid, although she was old enough to know what she was doing.

Anyway, I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be relaxed when I had "only" our 6 kids here.

On the non-kid related newsfront, I ordered three books on Buddhism from Barnes and Noble online. Free shippeng for orders over $25, and my order was a whole $26 something. I hope I get them soon. I got one by Thich Nhat Hanh (long title, but pretty basic stuff on the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path), "The Pocket Dalai Lama", and a book on "The Teachings of the Buddha". I could just shit myself with excitement waiting for them. I should've gotten the book on How to Meditate, maybe next time. It's so nice to have time to read now!

I also got a webcam this weekend. All I need is a microphone (oopsie, I "accidentally" vaccuumed our's up when the super slob lazy Beavis left it on the floor) and I'm ready to rock and roll. Of course, I barely know what to do with the thing, but it's fucking hilarious to leave the thing in front of the almost 4 year old Mickey and record him dancing and making faces. If only it had sound...

That's all. What a long one. If you made it this far, you are to be commended.

Arrividerci. (I know I spelled that wrong. I meant to do that).

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