19 September 2005 | 10:48 a.m.

Eat meat on a Friday, that's alright, I even like steak on a Saturday night"

Happy fucking birthday to me. Yey.

I'm less than thrilled. And not so much about the fact that I'm officially old, but more about the fucking cold or whatever it is that I have that's making me miserable. I feel like shit. And my attitude today is PISS POOR.

Anyway. Elton John was good, as always. We did not have as much fun at this show than as we did at last year's, but that was not EJ's fault. He puts on a great show. Naw, it was our stinky seats that made it not as much fun. Now, we could see him and the band just fine. We were right there next to the stage, only in balcony seating. That's kinda scary if you're afraid of heights, which I kind of am. I felt like if I stood up and danced, I'd fall right down to the floor. I mean, that and the fact that we were sitting with a lame AARP crowd who all felt it was important to stay seated. So, even if we had stood up to dance, we'd have just pissed off those folks who were behind us.

We chose to park under the Garden in the North Station parking lot. To the tune of $22. Yikes. But it was easy, the exit took us right there. We parked on parking level 4, which means four levels underground (I assume), and then we had to make our way all the way to basically the top of the building.

Oh AND, whatever I ate Friday night or Saturday day had my belly in a tight, bloated condition that couldn't even be relieved by a nice dook or a big fart. That sucked. I can't believe I was in such bad condition to see EJ.

We decided to call the house during "Bennie and The Jets" and not even talk to the kids, just hold up the phone to the music. And then make them listen to us scream and clap and whistle when it was done. That was kind of funny. The kids thought we called on accident, like the phone just dialed the house. Au contraire.

Then yesterday I woke up achy all over. I figured it was part of my brilliant plan to take the stairs up from the parking garage to ground level rather than battle the elevator crowd. You know since I'm old now, I just thought I can't handle the stairs anymore. Well, once I started to get a sore throat and my chest was hurting, I knew it was more likely whatever I'd come down with.

The kids started Sunday School yesterday at Dick's church. My idea, btw. They were just too cute there, I stayed since it was their first day there. Poor Mickey. That kid is a fidgeted, big time. He stayed in seat and wasn't too impulsive, but he did not stop moving for a second, his feet were just swinging away. Boy am I going to have a blast with him in first grade.

Dick is a dick. He really needs to get a fucking clue. Seriously. What I am about to share will sound more like a 21 year old loser rather than a 40 year old grown man.

How much have I gone into about his living situation as of late? I don't know, so I apologize for being redundant if I am. For about half of the summer, he was staying at the local loser motel/campground in Nashua, The Country Barn Motel. AKA, "Hi I'm A Big Fat Loser Motel". But, he got kicked out of there for going on a drunken rampage one night. But according to him, that's okay, because they were all "hard-core drug users" anyway. Like he's not. Sorry, but I'm of the thinking that crack is just as bead as heroin as far as "hard core drugs" go. Big deal if you don't use a needle. And Dick is a crack head. He can deny it to me all day long, but I'm not stupid.

Anyway, then he drifted for a few weeks. Sleeping in his van and shit. He had a job working for a contracting company and making good money. "They love me there". Yeah, they always do until you get comfortable and act like you own the company. And then, his boss owns a bunch of properties and was going to rent him a place in Manch Vegas, but first Dick had to get the windshield on his van fixed.

Well, there's something that wasn't happening, the fixing of the windshield. How much can a windshield for a 20 year old van cost? Especially when you're making $17 an hour and not paying child support or rent? Come on.

So, he moved in with Eddie and his girlfriend. Eddie is...a unit. He did time in prison for an accident he had in which he was drunken driving and killed his passenger. Now, he's on disability because one of his legs or hips is all fucked up. I think from the accident. Anyway. Don't drink and drive, lesson #1244537. Well, also, I guess Eddie and his girlfriend are into crack big time. Like so much that according to Andrea, who knows them, that Eddie recently started sending the girlfriend out to give blow jobs for money. ("You know you’re a crackhead if...").

Oh, Eddie is the guy in this pic with Dick. In the wife beater.

So anyway. Andrea and Willy got married two weeks ago, on September 3rd. The next day, Dick moved out of Eddie's house and into Eddie's parents' house, Carol and Roy. Because Eddie's "GF" was too much of a bitch, and because they're crack heads, and other stuff that he just couldn't bear to tell me. Like I wouldn't hear from Andrea anyway.

Well. Dick is not easy to live with. In fact, he's impossible to live with. And he was only supposed to be staying with Carol and Roy for a few weeks, until he could get his windshield fixed and get the apartment in Manch Vegas. Which didn't happen because in the meantime, he went and quit his job! Because those fucking assholes at that company were expecting him to take orders from them! Who do they think they are, treating him like a slave?

So out goes his income and the apartment in Manch Vegas. But he just expects that Carol and Roy, who are both on disability (must be a trend with that family), have limited money. So they aren't going to support his dumb ass. Not that that was the problem as Dick presented it.

Also, Andrea told me last week that he's already been asked to leave their house twice as of last week. He'd only been there for a week at that point! Fucking loser.

So. This is the story as Dick told it to me. Saturday night, Dick went to a party with Andrea's cousin Matt and his girlfriend Denise, who live upstairs from Carol and Roy. They went to the party and had such a good time that Dick got drunk (of course, it wasn't his fault that he got drunk), and when he came home, he proceeded to take a drunken piss all over the kitchen floor.

I must stop for a moment to chuckle.

So, he says he slept outside Saturday night on a piece of drywall. Whatever floats your boat. Sunday he woke up and called my cell, saying he'd be over to the church. Then about an hour later he called, and he'd just been kicked out of the house. Roy told him that Carol said he's not to come back.

And so started his fucking misery filled morning. Well, he has a misery filled life, but it was more so yesterday morning because he had to fucking share it with me. Over and over and over again. And I swear he was hinting around for me to put him up.

AS IF. Not in this fucking life. I lived with him once, I ended that horror from my life five and half years ago and I don't give a fuck if he's the father of my kids or not, I am absolutely not letting him stay in my house for even a night. Like Hub would go for it anyway.

Oh how could those people be so harsh? Just throwing him out in the cold like that? Especially an hour before he was to see his kids. He knew he was wrong, he wouldn't do it again. Oh woe is Dick.

So. There we were, in the church, at the back of the Sunday School class. And I had to be subjected to his fucking bitching and moaning. In church. About how Roy doesn't have a sack, neither does Willy because Willy was supposed to find work for Dick and didn't, so he has no sack. If there's one thing Dick has learned in life, it's that you have to have something between your legs to make it.

Man. I wish we hadn't been in church. I wish the kids hadn't been there. Because I'd have shown him exactly how flawed his thinking is. Roy doesn't have a sack? But he as a roof over his head and has been married for 25 years. And Willy? Willy who just got married and spent a week in Aruba with his wife, who is a damn good woman? You mean Willy who keeps a roof over his head, and a job, and lives with his kids and his wife? Despite having himself an itty bitty drinking problem?

Sure, your sack theory is realistic. Big fucking deal that you can go around and tell people off. Where the fuck has it gotten you in life? Um...let’s think about that for a minute...HOW ABOUT FUCKING NO WHERE?!?

Oh, he even called his dad to see if he'd put him up. Denied. Even his own father won't put him up, and it's not like he doesn't have the room for him.

40 years old, supposed to start a new job this morning, no place to live. Fucking same story over and over again. GET A CLUE. How friggin' many times can you go through the same shit over and over again until you get a clue?

I don't know how I ever found this person attractive. Enough to have kids with, even. How did I listen to this type of thinking for almost three years?

And what really bothers me is the kids. They'll grow up and realize this person is a total loser. Right now, they think he's great. But they don't know the half of it. They will someday and that's what's most upsetting. I pray everyday that they don't end up like him.

God forbid I should die and he gets the kids. It just cannot happen.

He totally ruined my day yesterday. My morning was nothing but his problems. Irritating.

In other news, Hilda came up this weekend. Hub picked her up and she was crying because her step-dad Howard was missing candy and he was blaming her for it. Well, if I was missing something (not that I'd make a big deal about candy but if so much of my shit went missing as they say does over there, I'd be pissed about missing fucking toilet paper for crying out loud) and she lived with me, she'd be the first person I'd suspect. You know, her being a thief and all. Anyway, Hub's reaction to her was such that even made me, the one with the least amount of sympathy for lying thieves, say, "You could have shown her a LITTLE compassion". He basically told her that she made her bed and has to lay in it.

Granted, she did pull some shit. And also, she's been paying for it. But, she was 12 when the shit went down. Old enough to know that what she pulled was wrong, but I think she knows that she's been paying the price for her actions.

Oh, and that counseling that we started getting her into early in the summer? She went to three appointments and then Shauna went and cancelled them all. Why? Because at the last appointment Hub took her to in the end of August, Hub, Hilda and the counselor were all chit-chatting at the end of the appointment "and laughing and having a good time and that's NOT what counseling is for". God forbid that you should feel comfortable enough with your counselor to talk and laugh.

Yeah. So as far as Hilda goes, Hub's done all he could. So. The next time Shauna calls and wants to bitch about what Hilda is doing wrong now, or she needs us to extend her groundation to our house, she'll find no sympathy here.


And Butthead got a call from Petsmart Friday. Evidently he DID pass his drug test, and he now has a job. I think it's great. He needs to work for someone else (for three bucks LESS an hour than Hub was paying him, btw) to set his ass straight, and where better than a retail workplace? He is going to have SUCH a tough time. I can't wait. I see him unemployed by December. I'm not being pessimistic, just realistic.

Okay. I'm outta here. Have a lovely day.

Listening to: No clue.

Currently reading: "Guilty As Sin" Tami Hoag

Thinking about: Cepacol Throat Drops.