07 October 2005 | 3:28 p.m.

"Let's just say if I had an ass, I'd wipe it with twenties"

It really is quite easy to waste an hour or more downloading music, isn�t it? Where did the freakin� afternoon go?

I just made the most eclectic CD ever. I swear I�m retarded. I think I should call it the �Frank FM Inspired Mix�. In addition to Mike FM out of Boston, Nashua also has one of those �We Play Everything� stations called Frank. I like Frank better than Mike. They play more rock type stuff.

Anyway, here�s my �Eclectic 70�s & 80�s� CD:

1) Carry On My Wayward Son--Kansas
2) Amie--Pure Prairie League
3) Tin Man--America
4) Ventura Highway--America
5) Don�t Look Back--Boston
6) Ah! Leah--Donnie Iris
7) Don�t Let Him Go--REO Speedwagon
8) Josie--Steely Dan
9) Hey Nineteen--Steely Dan
10) Peg--Steely Dan
11) Is She Really Going Out With Him--Joe Jackson
12) You Are The Sunshine Of My Life--Stevie Wonder
13) Sir Duke--Stevie Wonder
14) Beautiful Girls--Van Halen
15) You Really Got Me--Van Halen
16) Rock of Ages--Def Leppard
17) Rock! Rock! (Till You Drop)--Def Leppard
18) In The Still of the Night--Whitesnake
19) Round & Round--Ratt

Whoever can put Stevie Wonder and Whitesnake on the same CD is truly in need of help.

Anyway. Yeah. Obviously, I haven�t got much to write about.

About Nina. Yeah. She is definitely a �can I borrow a cup of sugar?� type of neighbor. I knew this before I told her about the place. I don�t mind being taxi driver too much because she pays me gas money, plus if I can�t do it, she�s got others to bum rides off of. Plus, it�s not everyday.

I didn�t end up taking her to the doctor�s yesterday, Jay did. They scheduled an ultrasound before the appointment because there was something wrong with one of the tests, the AFP, I think.

And they (the clinic place) totally weren�t professional about their approach, in my opinion. They told Nina and Jay that they had to check the kid because the protein levels for the test were off for a baby as far along as Nina was and this could be one of three things: spina bifida, twins or she�s further along than they thought.

I�m sorry, but did they had to get so specific when the results could all be so drastically different? Don�t tell me you�re checking for a serious fucking birth defect and make me sit through an ultrasound. I�d be freaking out.

When I had an ultrasound with Minnie, they couldn�t see the four chambers of her heart because of how she was sitting. So, they had me come back a few days later to make sure they could see it. No biggie. I wasn�t worried. Of course, I know now that they wanted to make sure all four chambers were there to rule out whether or not she might have Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, a particularly nasty heart defect. But they didn�t mention that and I didn�t have to worry needlessly.

Anyway. I just think they shouldn�t have been so specific. But that�s me.

And as it turns out, she�s just further along than they thought. And then to hear Jay tell his side of the story, it was kinda funny. Funny in a rednecky kind of way. I still keep chuckling at his statement about, �I don�t know, twins or a retard? we can�t fucking handle two more kids�. Twins or a retard. I�m sorry, I know that�s wicked offensive but it just makes me laugh. I never knew spina bifida could affect the brain but they said if the hole in the spine is high enough it could. I haven�t done the research to substantiate their claim so don�t quote me on it.

Didn�t that one guy in �Shallow Hal� have spina bifida?

Okay. I did some quick research. That�s one condition I never could understand. But kids born with it have like an 80% chance of normal intelligence. Anyway.

They�re having another boy, and they�re going to name him Jack. Which is cool. I don�t know why I�m partial to that name. Jaegan, Joshua, Julianna and Jack. Why do people do that with J names? I myself was part of a �Jackie and Justin� sibling set.

Blah blah blah.

Switching gears, our state�s attorney general was reappointed yesterday. Her name is Kelly Ayotte and I personally have a ton of respect for her. She�s from Nashua and was only a few years ahead of me in school. I never knew her then, but my cousin went to school with her. I went to school with her sister Missy, who was one of the girl�s basketball team stars back when the Nashua High team won some national title. (It was this huge thing and I can barely remember what the hoopla was all about. Boy did I have school spirit).

Anyway, I met Kelly back in 2000 the first time Beavis testified in that crazy little murder trial . She was the prosecutor. About that time, she was promoted to head of the homicide unit for the attorney general. Within five years, she makes it to be the first ever woman attorney general in New Hampshire. The circumstances under her appointment last year were kind of bittersweet for her; she replaced her boss Peter Heed who stepped down because of a scandal. Which, it turned out in the end, was a crock, and he never really wanted to leave, but the governor at the time, Craig Benson, was a dink.

Anyway. It�s just really cool to see someone from Nashua do so well.

Oh, and the picture of her in that link is very unflattering. She�s much more attractive than that.

That�s all I got. I�m incredibly lame. Except, Minnie�s seat got moved and she now sits next to Jamie, Brian�s stepdaughter. And now I get to hear all about Jamie.

Have a ducky weekend. Up here, it�s going to be a good weekend for ducks. Rain, rain, rain.

Happy happy!

Oh! And My private entry archives work now! Holy fucking crap!

Listening to: "Rock! Rock! (Till You Drop)" Def Leppard.

Currently reading: "Guilty As Sin" Tami Hoag

Thinking about: Getting Colin up from his nap.