26 October 2005 | 2:17 p.m.

You fuckin' tree-hugger. IS THIS YOUR SPECIAL BUSH?

My morning computer time has been invaded upon left and right this week and I�m not too happy about It. I get a little wiggy when my routine is busted up. Ya know? Anyway, it is not a permanent state. Thankfully.

Yesterday, I took Nina to the doctor�s for her daughter, and then to the store and stuff. This morning, it was to the welfare office to sign her up for Medicaid as she has no insurance and, oh yeah, is pregnant. The welfare office sucks. There but for the grace of God go I. I was in there thinking, I hope I never have to come here for myself ever again.

There�s always one person in there who�s desperate and needs help NOW. Except, um, this is NH and we don�t believe in immediate help here. Anyway. Today it was a girl about 22 or 23, and she just got a Notice To Quit letter and a Demand letter from her landlord AND she just got a court date and she can�t be on the streets she has a two eyar old son and her family lives far away from here and they can�t help her and it�s a DIRE EMERGENCY. She was saying this in front of all these people she didn�t know (including me who is now writing about it in my diary online) with no shame. She was so flustered she couldn�t even fill out the app, she asked her friend to do (and rather rudely, I�ll add).

I surprised myself with my lack of sympathy for her. I was thinking, why the fuck weren�t you paying your rent? I mean, maybe she did have a valid excuse not to be paying. Maybe she did not. I think after watching people like Dick and Ned in action, it reinforces my belief that you control your own destiny. If you end up homeless and getting evicted on a regular basis, you can�t blame it on your luck. As far as that girl, who knows. She seemed like the kind who�s been through it before. Probably a crackhead, I think.

Oh yeah, and I�ve been there and done that. I�ve done the poverty thing. I�ve been on the Lack of Fortune 500 list of 500 poorest people in America. More than once, I might add. Somehow or another, I managed to never get evicted onto the streets or have anything turned off in the house or starve to death. Not too say that I�m all special or anything, cuz I don�t think I am. And not to say that anyone who�s ever been evicted Is a loser. Maybe I�ll just shut the sup now, how does that sound?

Oh, I totally forgot to add the Weight Watchers pointage to the recipe in my last post. If you bake it in a 13x9 inch pan and cut it into 12, each slice Is 3 points. Not bad at all. My friend Jennifer made it with spice cake mix Instead of carrot cake mix and added carrots and said it was delish. I�m going to try that next time.

Butthead has been taking Culinary Arts this year in school and I�ve been totally kicking myself in the ass for not taking Culinary Arts in high school. That class must have been a blast. I was such a retard, I never took anything fun, just make up classes all the time on account of my completely piss poor performance. Of course, I also didn�t know back then that I liked to cook.

Butthead�s school has a restaurant and everything. So cool. They have a thing called the �Cake of the Month Club� and every third Friday of the month they send home a cake. For the low, low price of $69.95 for 10 cakes. Worth every penny. They make them the old fashioned way, from scratch, with shortening and butter and sugar and real fruit and YUM YUM YUM. Last month was Blueberry Apple something. Mmmm. This month, Apple Bundt cake. On the form, it was spelled Apple �Bunt� cake, which reminded me of blunt, so now it�s �Apple Blunt Cake�. Or anytime I see �Bundt� now. Which really isn�t very often.

Mickey has been SUCH a LITTLE FUCKER this week. He has been hanging out with Josh so much that I guess he thinks he can be as much of a little shit as him? He actually got grounded the other night, for leaving the house when he was told not to, and then going down out front to �the swamp�, where he was JUST told not to go last week on account of the fact that there�s an open well down there and it�s disgusting because of trash that people who are pigs insist on chucking out their windows and also people who used to live here thought it was like their little mini-dump. (Littering annoys the shit out of me and I can�t believe how many people do it. It�s gross. If you litter, knock it the fuck off. How hard is it to throw your shit away in a fucking trash can?).

Anyway, Mickey, yeah. He spends almost all of his time with Josh and his behavior is starting to show it. I mean I won�t totally blame Josh cuz he�s just a kid and any other boy would have the same effect on Mickey so I can�t make it seem like Mickey�s blameless cuz he�s not. Which is why I�d like to kill him. Yeah,. so he got grounded for going down to the swamp but he didn�t admit he was there right away. He went directly upstairs when he came In which was suspicious, and then he wouldn�t answer me when I asked where he�d been (since he wasn�t supposed to have been out in the first place). Upon closer inspection, I saw that his clothes were fucking SOAKED and his socks were soaked AND muddy as hell. He didn�t like being grounded very much but fuck him. He might be spoiled but he can save that defiant shit for the birds. Or Josh.

Weigh in tonight. I know I did better than I have, but definitely not �good�, so we�ll see. Id definitely stepped up with the water and fruit and veggie consumption and didn�t pig out AS MUCH, but Aunt Flo showed up this morning and she could fuck things up too. Oh well. I am committing myself to weekly weigh-ins again no matter how bad I�ve been.

I�m out, yo.

Listening to: A band playing a song.

Currently reading: I'll stop with the bullshit until I get back into the book again.

Thinking about: Whatever!