24 October 2005 | 1:57 p.m.

"You know what it feels like when newspapers call you the boss of a sister fucker? The whole damn town thinks I'm runnin' a "sisterfuckeria."

It�s that time of year again. Time to bake! Yay! So far, I�ve made a little Weight Watchers recipe and am currently working on some pumpkin seeds. The WW recipe is yummy and a big hit around here with the kids. All of them. One can of pumpkin, one box of carrot cake mix and like half a can or so of water. Mix it up and bake it for like twenty minutes. It�s yummy. It never lasts long.

And pumpkin seeds, those are from the big pumpkin carving party we had here yesterday. (I keep typing �pumkin�, WTF?). Actually, it was basically me and the kids, eventually Hub came home and Beavis did one, too. Hub fucked his up because he did it after blazing up and was too high to get it right. Lightweight. I, of course, ended up carving three pumpkins, because Mickey and Minnie gave up early.

So, I got a ton of pumpkins seeds. I consulted my Fanny Farmer Cookbook (Twelfth Edition) and looked up how to do it right. Let them dry out, which I did overnight, and cook at a low temp for an hour. Then salt if you want. Well, not only am I going to salt it, but I�m going to put a little olive oil in it in the last few minutes and salt, salt, salt! Yummy.

I�m a fat girl again. I know It�s only eleven pounds, but it�s eleven that I can feel and see. I�m trying with the eating, but it�s prepare for hibernation time! Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy time! Soup and grilled cheese time! Baking time!

And the exercise. I know. I really should and I am not adverse to the idea, especially of nice brisk walks four days a week. Mickey poses a problem, in that I am stuck bringing at least him, and he is not a very brisk walker. Not only that, but he is not enthusiastic about walking much at all. Couple that with the fact that he is a very vocal bitch, and you can see my dilemma.

It�s all that bastard Mickey�s fault, is what I�m trying to say. All his damn fault. ;)

You see how I referred to him as a bitch in one paragraph, and then a bastard in the nxt. I contradict myself. Or maybe not. Maybe he�s a bitch bastard. Ya bitch bastard.

It�s one of those days. One of those, bake pumpkinny stuff and plan on meatloaf and mashed potatoes for supper, and that reminds me! I turned the heat on yesterday for the first time. October 23. I try every year to get as close to November as possible before turning up the heat. Last year was early, too.

Anyway. I�m not much up for a regular update today. I want to have this belted out before the boys get home, which is in like half an hour. Oh and plus I�m all silly.

The weekend was good. Hub and I are getting along and he was granted The Sex on Saturday. Sunday, I don�t know if I mentioned this, but I carved pumpkins for three and a half hours on Sunday. I am the pumpkin queen.

Oh and speaking of pumpkins, my seeds did not take an hour at all. They are ready now and It was only 30 minutes. Maybe cuz I left them out all night? They�re pretty good. Beavis is going to shit a brick when he comes home.

Oh, he has to wait until November 16 for further examination of his nut sack. He squawked at that, but I was like, It waited this long, you can wait another few weeks. Another bitch bastard.

Alrighty, I�m out. Better update someday.


Listening to: The new 311. Me no likey.

Currently reading: Who am I kidding? I'm just not into reading right now.

Thinking about: Laundry. Food. Nappy nap.