01 November 2005 | 11:02 a.m.

Yeah, it was a dick move on my part. That's why I'm paying for your meal.

Well, hello!

I�ve been kind of busy lately. I hate it. I miss the mornings I�d sit on dland, update and read up on everyone. They must come back!

So. Saturday night we went to ANOTHER FUCKING WEDDING. This makes number three for the year, folks. What the hell are people thinking, getting married like a bunch of fools?

Anyway, yeah, Hub�s buddy, Archie, who he�d actually met through my dad a few years ago, just got married. This is a man who�s my dad�s age, in his fifties. H�s been married once before, but that was over long ago. Then he had this one girlfriend for like 20 something years. They split up last year, then Archie hooked up with this Brazilian woman, Sylvia. In less than a year, they�re married. They threw this wedding together In like a month. I�m pretty impressed with the job they did. It was nice.

But, still, something didn�t add up for me. It just seemed weird. But, Archie seems to be happy so I guess it�s what he wanted.

Oh yeah. I did mention that she�s Brazilian, right? Ya know what that means? HOLY FUCKING SHIT, you should have seen some of the Brazilian hotness there. Spank me and call me Shirley. Nice, young, handsome, dark, sexy, incredible smelling Brazilian men. Schwing!

And , in keeping with my habits, I vowed not to get drunk at this wedding, but did anyway. I finally figured out why this happens to me at weddings. Bar drinks. I love them. Maybe it�s me? But making drinks at home is not the same as having them made at the bar. It�s all Cookie�s fault that I have a thing for 7&7�s, because I was never into them until I read her.

Then, it also doesn�t help that I got a rookie bartender. He didn�t know how to make them when I ordered one, so the other bartender showed him. When I went back for another, he asked how it was and I told him it was �a little weak�. Which it wasn�t. However. Then I started getting drinks that were very strong. Yeah. I got trashed.

Oh? I didn�t know, that Brazilians don�t believe in dancing at weddings? Or bands or DJ�S? What up wit dat? So no music at the wedding except for some funky organ wedding type shite. Which, whatever. I got too drunk anyway. Besides, all these old friends of Ned�s were there. The ones that went on with life and made something out of themselves. I laid low, not wanting to get into the latest Ned saga being as trashed as I was.

Oh! And there was one woman there that I knew in junior high and high school, Tammy. Back in the day, all the guys loved her especially her body, which was smoking, I�ll admit it. I was incredibly jealous of her. She got pregnant and married when she was like 16 or so (she was a year or two older than me), and even then she didn�t get fat after a kid or two. But now? MOO! Is it wrong of me to take pleasure in that? I know I�m by no means �thin�, and I�ve been as big as she is now before, but still. It�s a kick to see something like that. You have no idea how jealous I was of her back then. I know. I really need to get over 1984. And 85, 86, 87, etc, etc, etc.

Yesterday was a suck ass busy day. I started off with getting some plowing contracts done (it�s almost time!), running errands AND helping Nina put together a Halloween/Birthday party for Jaegan. Yeah. She planned the party last week, but didn�t buy anything for it until yesterday. The party was for 4:00, she and Jay ran to get the food at 3:00. Typical Nina. I took her to get the party supplies earlier and it took her like 15 minutes to pay for everything, she kept getting more and more stuff and �oh, I need balloons!�. If I were the clerk, I�d have lost patience, but the lady was very kind and patient.

(I can complain about Nina all day long, but after Archie�s wedding the other night, we went there to smoke and I announced �I LOVE YOU, NINA!� like a billion times. Cuz I do. Even when she needs a ride here there and everywhere).

Anyway, back to yesterday. So, the party started after 4:00. Trick or Treat starts at 6:00, and we head into Nashua to Crown Hill where I grew up. Our street is not conducive to safe or prosperous trick or treating. And Dick was going to take the kids, we had plans to meet at 6:00 at the base of the Hill. So, the kids just abrely got to sing happy birthday to Jaegan and we split.

Beavis went trick or treating this year. I don�t think 14 is too old to trick or treat, do you? I think you should do it as long as you want. It�s fun. I guess a couple of people commented to him that he was too old, but he would reply to them with something like, �You want me to touch you WHERE?!?�. Fucker. But really. As long as they�re not hurting little kids or hampering their fun, what�s wrong with the big kids trick or treating?

Someone gave Beavis�s buddy Cornholio a roll of toilet paper. That�s kind of funny. Beavis got a roll of ribbon, like you�d tie onto balloons. That�s not as funny as the TP, though.

Anyway, while Beavis ran the roads with Cornholio and Shawn, and Minnie and Mickey were with Dick, Hub and I went for dinner and drinks with Robert and Rhonda. That was nice. I needed a break from kids because I�d had it with them. Fighting and tattling and shit. I have another new approach to tattletales< when they come up and say, �So and so did such and such!� , I say, �Yeah, and you�re tattling!� and that�s it. Or I Ignore it. Kids suck and tattling is one of my number one pet peeves with the little bastards.

Needless to say, I�ve got about 50 pounds of new candy in the house. Just what my fat ass needs. I�m going to try, really hard, to resist. But it�s rough. Read the past two post-Halloween posts in this here thang. I�m bitching about the evil that is Halloween candy.

Digression--yeah, the past two post Halloween posts. Because, HOLY CRAP! Today is my two year anniversary with this diary. I can�t believe it. That�s like ten years in internet years. I was having such a tough time to committing to a diary, I guess I finally managed to do so.

Anyway. Mickey has been eating candy ALL MORNING. Seriously. Nonstop. Lovely.

Okay, I need to run out and do errands before Colin and Makayla come. Hopefully I can update tomorrow.


Listening to: Everlast. Without House of Pain.

Currently reading: NOTHING!

Thinking about: NOTHING!