03 November 2005 | 10:18 a.m.

Drinking Survey That I Stole

I�m lazy, feeling quite non-creative and stole this from Cookie. It�s all about alcohol. Which I have a tendency to like A LOT, if you didn�t know. You know I�ve worked in some stories here.

1. Have you even been drunk? Yeah. Once or twice. Times a thousand!

2. How old were you the first time you got drunk? 15. In Mike and Andy Santana�s (two Puerto Rican rednecks) back yard with a bunch of friends. Two and a half Michelobs, my friends, and it was over for me. Then we left and I lost my virginity to my boyfriend at the time, who was named Mike but was not Mike Santana (I slept with him when I was 19, fyi). October 21, 1985. What were YOU doing that day?

3. Have you ever gotten/given digits while intoxicated? Oh God yeah, back in the day. Not so much now. My husband frowns upon it. ;)

4. Have you ever 'drunk dialed'? Yes. Most recently? Back in June, when I called my husband�s ex-wife after drinking a pint of Jager by myself. It was a bonding experience for us.

5. Have you ever been drunk in front of family members? Yes. Aside from the family that lives with me, I got drunk as a skunk at my cousin Jamie�s wedding back in August. So did everyone else. My cousins are great fun to drink with. And back in my twenties, my dad and I used to get rip-roaring drunk together. Ah, the days.

6. Have you ever had to cover up the fact that you were drunk? Yes. Like back when I was in college, and I used to do that �hair of the dog� thing. It gets you drunk (and pregnant if you�re not careful! I�ve got a 14 year old son as proof!) all over again. I would go to class like that. I took fun classes, like art and music, so I�d go sit, be drunk, and listen to music and look at pictures. And pretend not to be drunk. Like no one could figure it out.

7.Have you ever been arrested for any alcohol related crime? No, very fortunately!

8. Have you ever hooked up with someone while drunk? That used to be my specialty (pronounced: spesh-ee-AL-lity like Obi-Wan in �Revenge of the Sith�).

9. Ever forgot their name? Forgot it, never got it in the first place, asked a billion times and kept forgetting anyway? Yeah. Once or twice. I was a real whore!

10. When was the last time you were drunk? Last Saturday night. It was a wedding, and the special occasion of it being Saturday.

11. Have you ever been on a drunken binge? Yeah. I call it 2005.

12. Do you need alcohol to have a good time? Well, it really helps!

13. What kind of alcohol gets you the most intoxicated? 100 proof anything. Duh!

14. Favorite liquor: This is one that keeps changing. Jager, Buttershots, vodka, Seagram�s 7. I�m more of a beer drinker.

15. Favorite beer: Michelob Ultra!

16. Have you ever woken up after a night of drinking and found out that you are STILL drunk? Yeah, back in the day. Wait. Sunday morning when I woke up I still had a good buzz going.

17. Have you ever swam drunk? Many, many times. Luckily, I never drowned.

18. What kind of a drunk are you? Happy and funny. Until I get too drunk, then I just shut up for fear of the ridiculous shit that will come out of my mouth.

19. Is alcohol like "truth serum" to you? Oh yeah. Ask my husband�s ex-wife.

20. Favorite drinking partner: Fun people. Personally, I am my own favorite drinking partner. That�s not so good.

21. Favorite bar: Haluwa Chinese Restaurant! I love them Chinese bartenders! Make them strong!

22. Have you ever completely blacked out? More than once. Sometimes, the stories I hear about myself are pretty funny (ie; me saying this: �My asshole ain�t open�. If you�ve read for a while, you might know the story behind that one).

23. Have you ever puked from drinking? Yeah. Not so much anymore, but I did drive the porcelin bus Saturday night.

24. Have you ever had the 'crying drunks'? Only when the alcohol was accompanied by mushrooms or LSD.

25. Can you still do physical activity while intoxicated? Oh yeah. I�m a great dancer while drunk (in my mind). I can walk and talk and have sex AND pee on my husband while doing so.

27. Who is the most annoying drunk that you know? OMG. My friend Shelly. She�s awful. And Margaret. She�s horrible too.

28. Who is the most flirtatious drunk? Me. I�m awful. My husband knows this too and babysits me well. I love boys all the time, but WAY more while drinking.

29. Do you have a drunken nickname? No. But I should get one? Last year, one day after my daughter did my hair in three ponytails, I walked around calling myself, �Shaqueefa� all day.

30. Have you received a 'booty call'? Oh yeah. Back in 1997, one drunken, blacked out evening, I hooked up with this guy Mike. (I like Mike�s, okay?). It was the most kinkiest sex I ever had, and we did it ALL night (now THAT I remember. Actually meeting him? And taking him to my house to smoke some weed with my dad? Don�t remember). Anyway, thus began a two month long fuck buddy relationship rivaled by none I�d had before (on account of the AWESOME SEX) or since. It ended when I hooked up with Dick. What a mistake.

31. Funniest drunken scene in a movie: I can�t think of one right now. Sorry, I�m a loser.

32. Favorite song(s) about drinking: Friends in Low Places, and that song by Lit, the title of which escapes me, but you know it: �Please tell me why the car is in the front yard and I�m sleeping with my clothes on�.

33. Have you ever woke up next to someone you didn't know? Yes. Because I was a SLUT!

34. Have you ever been hit on by someone way older than you? Yup. Since I was like 12. And when I was 27 I dated a guy that was my dad�s age. But I hit on him. S o maybe that doesn�t count.

35. What's the worst 'buzz kill'? Mean drunks, running out of beer, finding out you have to drive!

36. Have you ever dated a bartender or bouncer or cocktail waitress? Yup. I picked up the bouncer at Martha�s Exchange back in the day. He was cute, but so NOT good in bed.

37. Do you ever say to yourself, "Dang, I need a drink"? Yeah, but replace dang with FUCK.

38. Do strangers ever buy you drinks? Not anymore. But they used to. If it was someone I said no to, but kept insisting? I always ordered something really expensive.

39. Have you ever drank too much on a date? Yup. Even got a second date out of him.

40. Is there anything that you refuse to drink? Anything that�ll give me heartburn. Juicy drinks, wine coolers, beer that�s not light, frozen drinks. .

41. Have you ever been drunk on a plane? No but it sounds like fun!.

42. Have you ever gotten drunk during the day? Yes. It�s a great way to waste a day.
43. Have you ever had to run from the cops and leave the beer behind? I majored in that in high school.

44. What's your favorite drinking game? I haven�t played drinking games in a long time. Back in the day, we used to play a game called Three Man that would get us trashed in one round. Quarters was always a fave, too.

45. Have you ever injured yourself while drunk? Oh yeah. Scrapes and bruises.

46. What's the most destructive thing that has happened while you were drunk? Puking on stuff. Like car interiors.

47. Ever been drunk at a concert? I was so plowed at Bob Dylan in 1988 that I SLEPT through half of the show. So, yeah.

48. Is this survey getting too long? Well, I�ve got shit to do.

49. Are you ready for the last question? No.

50. Why do you drink? Because beer is my best friend. And, maybe, because I have a problem with it?

Listening to: Blue's Clues. Blue Clues!

Currently reading: Bloggage.

Thinking about: Leaving. Carting Nina around again!