10 November 2005 | 3:51 p.m.

Not if anything to say about it, I have. At an end your rule is. And not short enough it was.

I was just at Market Basket and I saw a car with NH plates that said �BLOGGIN�. And, while I�m on the whole �blog� issue, I caught the beginning of �Good Morning America� this morning and they were in Times Square (I think) and one of the headlines running across the buildings there was �Seniors enter the blogosphere�. (Oh, Word, don�t you realize that �blogosphere� is a word? Stop changing it to �photosphere�, please!).

It�s like a big thing now, my little secret from people I know in real life. I know that this diary/blog is a huge, ginormous part of my life now. And me keeping it a �secret�? Is kind of becoming a pain in the butt. Because I want to talk about it! Beavis knows that I have a diary, but he also knows it�s not open for discussion much. There are times when shit will happen and he�ll say, �Are you going to write about this in your diary?�. I trust that he won�t look for it. Not that it matters, I�m locked (except--more on that after). But still. I know that he knows that I know that he knows that he don�t want to read some of the shit his mommy writes about.

I�ve made friends on here. People that I have never spoken to in real life and I consider friends. Actually, I did meet people in real life through diaryland, and boy was that a fun one to explain to Hub. Still, the diary did not come to his attention. But now, I mean, I don�t find any real reason behind the secrecy. Don�t get me wrong, I�m not about to ever let him read, but still? What I do here is harmless to my marriage. Not counting the rough time I had from November to about February of this year. Let�s Ignore that and chalk it up to learning experience. Boy did I learn.

Anyway. Yeah. Sometimes exciting shit happens with my online friends and how I would love to just talk Hub�s ear off about it. Sometimes I�ll cautiously share a blog entry with him, especially if I�m pissing my pants with laughter, but other than that, I tell him nothing.

In the beginning, I felt he just wouldn�t get it. But there�s more to him than just a pretty face. Now, maybe he would get it. Or, if he didn�t get it, at least the idea wouldn�t be so foreign and scary to him. Especially since when Krissie came the last time with Nate, he met them and really liked them both, and learned that it�s not all kooks on the internet. But really. How do I say now, oh, I�ve been keeping a diary online for two years and never said anything to you about it?

And about unlocking. I�m considering unlocking briefly. I have fifty-something-thousand banner views that I�d like to use. But how the fuck do you use your banners if you�re locked? And I�d like random folks to schwing in for a bit. And then lock back up after a certain amount of time. I�m just thinking about this.

Anyway. In other news, I had to briefly take a break from writing because Hot Eric next door that I have a secret crush on just came home from hunting with a deer. I had to go out and take pictures, of course. Nothing better to photograph than a dead carcass. Plus? He�s out there swinging his dick around because he finally caught a deer and he�s a man! And I love that shit. After I gave him shit about killing Bambi (obligatory for a tree hugger like me), I congratulated him. (As much as I love the wild and shit, I�m all about hunting. Not that I do it myself, I just can understand why we have to do it). And I got some great disgusting shots that will surely please my Flickr friends.

Speaking of Flickr. Through it, I�ve met a woman who lives pretty much around the corner from me. We haven�t met in real life, but that�s just a matter of time at this point. We just decided to take pictures of shit around town and see if we can figure it out. She had two pics up there yesterday and I guessed both of them. It�s really cool.

What I�m trying to say is, that I love the internet. I love dland and Flickr the most. Both have introduced me to great people that I�d never have known otherwise. I know I�m not big on the IM chatting, but I still have managed to meet great people.

If this seems short, or missing something, I apologize. You know, beer.

Helen called this morning. Daisy�s lice are about all gone. Yay! And a new tip form the pediatrician: Soaking the hair in mayonnaise for many hours. Suffocates the lice and gives hair a healthy shine!

What else, what else! Nothing. I love you all. Thank you for being my friends. =)
Oh I almost forgot. Someone noticed one of my linky poos over therer. If you want a good laugh, check out the link to who designed my diary. I'm sure that isn't Lex. Does anyone know what happened to her?

Listening to: Radio. Commercials.

Currently reading: Bloggage.

Thinking about: What should I change this to? I'm thinking "catch phrase of the day/week". Right now, it's "Shiggity shiggity s