02 December 2005 | 10:33 a.m.

Oh, it's all Butthead and Hilda. Only, Butthead's stuff is funny.

As promised, I�ve locked back up again. I can rest easy now. I had kinda started freaking out on the way back from NY, like �OMG I haven�t checked dland In five days and I�ll bet someone found me!�. But fortunately, not. That I know of. Which is fine with me.

More on the Butthead Chronicles. It seems like, when I am irritated as all hell with him, Hub is his biggest supporter. Likewise, when Hub is pissed at him, I am his biggest supporter. I suppose that in the end, the kid always has one of us hating him and the other supporting him, so it all balances out in his favor somewhat.

Anyway, right now, since I did that whole �stepping out of the situation� thing, I�ve had much more tolerance for him. I mean that and the fact that I wholeheartedly disagree with his being grounded for his English grade. Hub spoke with his guidance counselor yesterday and it seems that, yes, maybe he�s in too high of a level for that class? Gee, what was your first clue? Maybe we could have figured that out in 9th or 10th grade? Of course, we didn�t pick up on it sooner either because he was always sportin� a few F�s on his report card, so we thought he just didn�t care. Now we know better.

Nevertheless, Hub still insists that he must be grounded. Which, fine, whatever. I knew he had to work yesterday because he made a point to have his work clothes washed. Now, sometimes he works at 3:30, sometimes at 4:30, sometimes at 5:00. So, yesterday he wanted to leave for work early so he could go to The Sports Authority. He tried to call Hub, but Hub�s cell phone is on some retarded shit right now (which I swear is either a user interface problem or yet another piece of equipment that Hub has beaten the living shit out of), so he asked me if he could go to TSA. I said, �Isn�t TSA right next to PetsMart?�. He said yeah and I was like, �Just leave for work early. I know nothing�.

Well. Ha ha ha. Hub was coming home from a client�s house, which the route just happens to go by Butthead�s girlfriend�s house (FYI, they are back together and supposedly �closer than ever�). Well, he drove by and there�s Butthead�s truck, right in the driveway. Hee hee hee.

So, Hub came home and said, �Uh, where�s Butthead?�. And I said, �At work�, kinda bypassing the whole TSA thing. And Hub said, �No he�s not, he�s full of shit�. And I was like, �Well, he had his work clothes with him, why don�t you call PetsMart?�.

�I don�t need to call PetsMart because I know he�s not there, he�s at Jen�s, because I just drove by and his truck is there!�. Oopsie!

(Just a note, I am giggling my ass off as I write this, just as much as I was giggling last night when this all went down. It�s just funny now. Not funny like gloating �I told you so� like I expected to be when Hub finally started to get pissed off with the kid, just funny ha ha funny).

It gets better.

So, Hub called Jen�s house, and Jen answered. He asked if Butthead was there and apparently, she said no. So, Hub says, �Really? He�s not there? Because I just drove by and I saw his truck in the driveway. Put him on the phone�. And, miraculously, Butthead WAS there and got on the phone.

Snicker snicker snicker. Hub was pissed. Me, not so much. I? Was giggling every chance I could, behind Hub�s back while he was still pissed. Because? It�s funny. And such typical teenager shit. Who wouldn�t do that in Butthead�s position? I know I pulled some shit when I was his age. And his getting caught? HA HA HA.

I can�t help it. I�ve admitted more than once, I AM TWELVE.

And I can�t say that I didn�t throw in a few, �Hey, at least he�s not in trouble with the law�s , just to twist the knife a bit to Hub.

Oh, and me doing his laundry yesterday cuz I felt bad about the whole grounding situation? That kid was tickled pink when he saw all of his clothes washed and folded. I got a big, squealy, �Thank you for doing all of my laundry!� (because Butthead Is a champ at doing a little load here, a little there, and meanwhile, all of the other stuff accumulates until it�s about three friggin loads In itself. At least he has that many clothes, right?).

Anyway. Hub is just so discouraged with Butthead and Hilda. He thinks now that they are both lying sacks of shit. Which is true, but in different ways. Butthead, I�ve found, will lie to keep his ass out of trouble, or to get away with something (Ie; last night), or to get out of doing something (ie; his BS with not mowing the lawn this summer and stating he �forgot� four days in a row instead of admitting he just didn�t want to do it). Which, while it�s not excusable, is pretty typical for a kid, no? Hilda, on the other hand, makes up complete and total lies to manipulate people and get sympathy. And whatever else. Which to me is a character defect in itself.

I think Hub is projecting some of his hatred for Shauna onto the kids. And who can blame him for hating her after the shit she pulled with Hilda two years ago, involving the same type of lying that Hilda Is guilty of, and the restraining orders and such? Of course it�s not the kids� fault, but when he sees their behavior mirroring her�s, he�s not so thrilled. I can imagine it must be very frustrating to have very little control over your kids in a situation like that.

I think his distaste for her was greatly amplified when she went and cancelled all of Hilda�s counseling appointments. Which is going to turn out to be a big mistake. I mean, It was a big mistake, but the repercussions won�t show for a while, anyway. That girl needs counseling so bad it�s not funny. But, hey, Shauna wanted to cancel it, so Shauna can deal with that shit when the time comes. Don�t think neither Hub or I will bite our tongues when the shit hits the fan and that we won�t throw that Into Shauna�s face because we most certainly will be doing so.

We are pretty convinced that Hilda will get pregnant before she turns 18. Shauna is not the type of mom to sit down and teach her about sex and how not to get pregnant. I also believe that if Hilda does get pregnant, Shauna will convince her that her only option is to have the kid and raise it. Which, fine, but that�s all on Shauna. I, personally, will not be getting involved in these matters. Unless Hilda were to come to me, which I doubt she will. But really, yeah, Shauna has already done gone and peed on Hilda and marked her as her own territory when she cancelled those appointments, so she can have at that all she wants, I�m out. Don�t fucking ask for our help and then turn around and reject it, because crap like you don�t get no second chance. (I LOVE double negatives, okay?)

Hilda has this dream that�s she�s going to be a marine biologist. Which cracks my ass up, because I doubt she even knows what that is. She just likes dolphins. I don�t know if she realizes how tough of a class load that would be with a kid. Here I am just assuming that she�ll get knocked up. At least I don�t say anything TO her or where she can hear it.

She�ll be coming up next weekend. I asked Hub not to have her this weekend, because it�s a non-Daisy weekend, and therefore, it�s kind of my weekend �off�. Besides, it�ll give her dumb bitch of a mother another weekend to go out and get the kid a fucking winter coat. If it�s really true that Hilda doesn�t have one.

Hub and I have decided that from now on, we will not be picking up the slack as far as making up for getting her what Shauna doesn�t. For one, it�s winter now and things are tight again, we need to focus on the four kids who live here. For two, it�s created some expectations for Shauna and Hilda that we will continue to do this all the time. Hilda thinks she can come here and whine that she has no pants or no winter coat and that we�ll just hand it over. Which is partly our (ie; mine) fault for doing that in the first place.

One of my friends in NY, Kristin (who Is 28 now), who really is more of a sister than a friend, relates a lot to Hilda because she was a lot like her as a kid. Fortunately, she has snapped out of it since. She, like Nina, was able to shed some insight on Hilda�s motives to me. She specifically addressed Hilda�s �woe is me� attitude, which was a big one that Kristin had as a kid. She drove me fucking nuts with that, btw, when she was a kid. It took Kristin, at 18 years old, and a brand new mom, getting thrown against a wall by her boyfriend at the time, thereby waking up the kid, to wake up and take control of her own destiny. And she�s done well. Her current husband, Jerome, is a great man and a hell of a catch. (And cute, too, holy shit. He�s from Trinidad, which makes for a sexy ass accent. The guy is one quarter black, one quarter Chinese and one half Spanish, and that genetic diversity makes for one hot, intelligent man. He�s the dark skinned fellow in the �At the Bar� pic on my flickr, which I finally updated yesterday. I had others of everyone in James-Vegas in my �NY July 2005� set on flickr).

I can totally see Hilda in a situation like that. I don�t think with a baby and an abusive boyfriend. Which Is sad. I�ve been trying to think of some words of wisdom regarding the �woe is me� attitude for her. Not that it�ll help, but I think I should put it out there.

I could write all day about this. As much as those kids drive me nuts, I do care about them. If you�ve read thus far, thank you! I can imagine it�s *slightly* boring. Unless you�ve been there.

I�m so glad my kids have me, is all I can say. I might not be a June Cleaver (boy was I shocked to find that out!), but I�m not doing so bad. I could be worse. My kids might know every way to use the F word, but at least they�re loved unconditionally.

I�m rambling now, so I�m going to end this. So there you go.

Have a lovely weekend. Ciao!

Listening to: Beck.

Currently reading: "Dust To Dust" Tami Hoag

Thinking about: Guess. Fucking step-kids. Just as frustrating as the real thing. ;)