10 February 2006 | 10:01 a.m.

"I may not have had sex, but I can fuck you up! "

Am I the only one who thinks old Dubya is full of shite with this whole thwarted terrorist attack on LA back in 2002 so that he can justify his illegal wiretapping? Cuz it�s all fishy to me. Fishy! Like tuna or a woman with vaginosis. Especially after the mayor of LA is all, �Huh? I didn�t know about this shit!�. And they�re giving some story that the message was left with a deputy mayor who failed to relay the message. COME ON. I�m a fucking spaceshot, I�ve failed to relay messages before, but that one? I wouldn�t space that one out. I don�t think most other people would either. Unless they�re the terrorists.

Also, I think all that Muslim rioting about the cartoons of Mohammed is bullshit, too. It�s okay for them to make fun of everyone else (oh, and blow their shit up, too), but don�t cross that line! Fuck them. I hate to sound like some ignorant person, but I think they should just get their own country and leave it at that. I think that would be more of a punishment in the end, anyway. But this crap of, �They will live like we do or we will live like they do� is bullshit. We�re not going to change, and neither are they, and trying to do so will end up in disaster. So let�s agree to disagree and leave each other alone.

I know, easier said than done, especially with the whole �oil dependence� crap, but still, that�s my take on that. It scares me to think about what kind of world it will be when my kids are grown up. Sometimes I really wish that I hadn�t brought children into this mess, I really do.

Anyway, so, yeah, yesterday was a nice day. I played outside with the kids and that was nice. Being outside has done so much for my state of mind that I don�t think it�s a far-fetched idea that I most likely get Seasonal Affective Disorder. I was reading that 30 minutes of sunlight a day, three days a week helps get rid of it. Or something like that.

I took six kids out into the woods out back yesterday to show them the deer droppings. Is that funny or what? I said, �Who wants to go look at deer poop?� and they were all over it. �ME! ME! ME!�. Small minds. (Speaking of, the children in the neighborhood have been much easier to deal with--less fighting and drama--since the Hot Karls moved out. It�s been great and? No 8:00 am on the weekend visits from Jimmy).

I am going to kill Beavis, I think. He�s done it. He has finally reached that obnoxious teenager stage, and it is driving me berzerk. We don�t do enough for him. He doesn�t have enough clothes. He desperately wants his buddy Marc to come over this weekend, and I fear if he doesn�t Beavis will blow an o-ring. We�re getting some snow this weekend (hopefully A LOT, dammit) and Marc�s mom would be coming to get him Sunday, which is when we�re getting most of the snow. So, does she want to drive out here from Fremont (or Brentwood or Kingston, wherever the hell they live, I can never remember, but it�s 45 minutes away) in a snow storm? I wouldn�t, and I don�t think she will, either.

�But we�re gonna go skateboarding! I *have* to!� or else the earth below his very feet is going to swallow him up whole or some shit like that.

He�s always fixated on these events (like the snowboarding debacle last month when he freaked out because Butthead went to work instead of taking him to Crotched Mountain) and if they don�t happen, it�s like the end of the world. And I tell him, �If you�re so dependent on events and people to make you �happy�, you�re going to spend a lot of time in life completely fucking miserable�.

After he got home from school yesterday, it was a meltdown about his clothes. He doesn�t have enough, he can�t find one of his t-shirts, nothing fits, etc etc etc. And I so feel his pain, ya know? I�d love to be able to go out and get him new clothes, but we can�t afford that right now. And I explained to him, �Kid. It has NOT SNOWED, have you noticed? No snow, no plowing, no money. My first priorities are to pay the rent, food and the bills so that you can have a nice, warm, lit up house to live in, with the amenities that you would surely die without, those being the phone and the cable. And health insurance, so that you can get your ball sack fixed, and get glasses that you broke, and fix your elbow and take you to PT twice a week. And I can barely afford any of that right now�.

At least that shut him the fuck up.

Bigger kids, bigger problems. Snoop Doggy Dogg needs to get himself a jobby job.

This morning, Mickey has an appointment for a �screening� at the pre-school so that they�ll know where to place him. I�m quite curious about this and what kind of preparedness he has for first grade at this point. Anyway, the kids his age are in the afternoon program, which means I will not have children-free mornings. I knew it was too good to be true. But, he needs to go and the price is right, so he�ll be going in the afternoons. Even if finances are an issue at this point, I can�t back out on the school thing right now. He is so looking forward to it, it would break his heart if he couldn�t go.

And tomorrow is Minnie�s 7th birthday. I still can�t believe it. I found a bike at Toys R Us for $60 assembled. Awesome. She�ll be able to ride it tomorrow at least before the snow files. And? It�s a 20 inch. It�s her 16 inch that she�s too big for. She�d never fit on a 12�, she�s far too huge.

My dad and his girlfriend are coming over tomorrow afternoon for cake and shit. I wanted to have Daisy come over for a bit, but Helen has been such a pain in the ass lately that I don�t want to bother with her on a non-Daisy weekend anyway. So, it�ll just be us. I�m not one for giving big birthday parties, anyway. Besides, with as many fuckers I mean kids as we have, I�d have to do them for everyone�s birthdays and that�s just bullshit to me. They�ll all be scarred for life because of this, I�m sure.

Alrighty, then, that's all I got for now.

Buena Vista!

Listening to: "When September Ends" Green Day. YUCK.

Currently reading: "Solomon Vs. Lord" Paul Levine

Thinking about: I hate this stupid optional field.