24 May 2006 | 9:54 a.m.

Now You're Messing With A Son of a Bitch.

I haven't updated, mostly because I've been in pure hater mode lately. I'm torn between running away and killing the people I live with. I'll spare the little ones, of course. But the big ones? The ones with the penises? Can die. I hate them.

What can I say about my husband that I haven’t said before. Years and years of the same fucking bullshit over and over and over again has taken it's toll on me. My teeth? Ground them right down. My stomach half the time feels like I’ve got a rock in it, more so after drinking, so there goes one of my favorite pleasures in life.

And then there's The Hilda Situation. Like we can afford another fucking kid who will just suck whatever life I have left in me. Well, her mom is still being a douche about everything, and I foresee her behaving more and more like a royal cunt as the time for Hilda to move here gets closer. She's already told Hilda that she doesn't think it will be good for her to move here, that no one will be home to watch her--doesn’t that tell you how much she knows about this place? I'm here ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

But, whatever. If it looks like it’s gonna be a court thing, I'm out. I am not going through another fucking custody battle. I've already told Hub, count me the fuck out of that shit. Like I need all the allegations, the GAL picking my home apart, oh and the fact that Shauna plays nasty and just makes shit up, all for what? Nope, I went through it once only to watch my husband get fucked over for giving a fuck about his kid.

Yeah, the douche is already trying to talk Butthead into living with her again, which is where I can see things going. She says all kinds of untrue shit, they pick apart my home, decide that her's is better and off goes Butthead to live with her and Hub ends up paying more child support. Or, by the time it gets to trial, Butthead is 18 and graduated from high school, Shauna keeps Hilda AND Hub ends up paying her child support.

Nope, I do not for one second even try to fool myself into thinking that Hub has a chance, cuz he doesn't. But, you know his dumb ass, he's got a bone to pick with his ex so it's gonna go through the courts. And, it'll be such a coincidence, but his latest divorce will go through the courts at the same time. Give me another reason, motherfucker, give me another reason.

Eh, fuck my life. As much as it sucks, it could be worse. I say that, but I'm not so much with the believing of it.

I know Nina gives you all a headache, but DAYUM, is she fun to write about. I haven't spent much time over there cuz her unsolicited parenting advice is like a joke now. Shut the fuck up. And she talks way too damn much about herself. You have four kids. Shut up about yourself and try giving them a little attention.

Last week, we were discussing the bus stop situation, which I called the school and got all that shit to stop.

Slight digression: the day after I first called, I became the neighborhood bad guy. Me and Julie up the road. She calls the cops, I call the schools. We're like a team. She likes the kids that I don't, and I like the kids that she doesn't (except ELE, I think we're on the same page about that fucker), so it's a ying and yang and all works out. Ha ha. Anyway, as I was coming down to the bus stop the day after the principal dealt with Ultra Mega Fucker and his shit, he announced to all the kids at the bus stop, "Here comes Jack Ass and her pissy glasses". Which, you know, having a name like mine, I've been called Jack Ass since I was in first grade. Owie, big boo-boos. Except not. But anyway, yeah, no sooner was that said, which I didn't hear, then Amanda, Courtney's little sister, came up to the driver's side of my van (oh yeah, I'm not even walking down there anymore, much as it pisses me off, I can't hear them from inside the van) and told me what he said. As soon as she was done, Jaegan was on the driver's side of the van telling me the same thing. I was all like, 'Whatever, Mrs Kuras will get a kick out of that'.

Of course I called and she dealt with it right away. Anyway, later that day, when Beavis was home from school, I told him about it. All I got out was what the kid said, and Beavis was PISSED. He was all, "I'm gonna KICK HIS ASS". It was really cute, he got all protective of me. I haven't had someone do that since my older brother told me he was gonna follow me around OK with a gun when we visited him when as 15. Anyway, Beavis got a look at the kid and decided against threatening to kick his ass because for a nine year old, he's small. So he said, "I don't ever want to hear about you FUCKING saying anything about my mom again".

Okay, so that part about people needing to die and including him, I take back. He loves me that much, so he's cool.

Anyway, back to Nina. She was telling me, the bus stop wouldn't bother me if I just didn't go down there. Oh that's so simple! Except my daughter is down there, and she wants me to go because of those kids. So Nina was talking about how she doesn't go down, and how she can't even see what's going on down there, and I could just watch from my house. Then she made this mention of how I’m "such a mommy".

Um...DUH? Kinda what I signed up for when I cranked those suckers out. And there's something wrong with that? Whatever, being "such a mommy" has kept people from calling DCYF on me for just about 15 years. As opposed to Ms Nina, who is currently under investigation.

Hello! That's right, DCYF showed up at Nina's house last Friday. Not her first time, btw. But, yeah, the dentist called her in. The dentist!!! Jaegan and Josh's teeth are horrendous. Jaegan's are the worst. Sometimes these kids are crying in pain because their teeth are so bad. So, Nina finally got them into a dentist a bit back. Jaegan had an appointment Wednesday, which she missed. Didn't even cancel it, just "forgot". I assume that was the straw that broke the camel's back, since DCYF showed up Friday.

You'd think she'd learn. Maybe it's time to be a “mommy” now, Nina. Stop fucking neglecting your kids, pay attention to them. Beavis feels really bad for Jaegan now, not just his teeth (which HURT the poor kid, for crying out loud), but also because he can see for himself how those kids get so little attention.

Yesterday, at 9:15 AM, my phone rang. It was Jaegan, asking if I could give him a ride to school. Why couldn't Nina? Well, she was fucking SLEEPING. She doesn't get up with him in the morning. It's up to him to get up on time, get his breakfast, and get to the bus stop on time. He's fucking eight years old. Even if my kid were capable of doing it all himself, I still want to be up to see him off at that age. But, you see, I'm such a mommy.

Anyway. I'm out of here. Ciao and shit.

Listening to: "Jane Says" My least favorite Jane's tune.

Currently reading:

Thinking about: Fucking stupid smart quotes. I don;t have time to fix that shit. Sorry.