05 June 2006 | 4:52 p.m.

You think you're so illustrious, you call yourself intense

Six kids in my yard at the moment. Fucking great. I thank friends who are willing to share a few of their special happy pills with me from the bottom of my heart. Today, it's Xanax and that is one heck of a "who really cares that much" kinda effect. Pardon me for not making sense.

The business, I'm telling you. At last check, Friday, the cash flow situation was alright. Over the weeknd, the balance dwindled down to a fraction of that. How, I don't know. I have a slight inclination to believe it mught be the spousal unit. Mr. Brilliant CFO called this AM, of course at time when I was taking the girl down to the bus stop (still doing that, I'm such a mommy), and when I got back to him, he said he was calling to see if there'd be enough money to buy a new "Trimmer" (must have fucking broken the other one, I can assume), but then when he couldn't get a hold of me, he checked the ATM balance and it was fine, sp he spent $275.00. Fucking fuckwad. I was like, You can check the ATM all day long, just cuz it says there's one balance there, that doesn't account for any outstading checks.

Same shit, different day. He is driving me nuts. I suffer through it and sometimes it's not as bad as others but it just wears on my nerves so much.

We went to the club Saturday night. No Bobo (he was in some kinda pool championship thing in MA, I believe). I was kinda bummed, but oh well. Night ended up kinda lame. Not many people there. Then fucking Rhonda got on a roll again, about me. I'd had a clonopin, plus drank a few beers (maybe a shot or two of Jager), so I took myself a little nap in the club. I know, I'm fucking classy. Rhonda started bitching at Robert that I was gonna get us thrown out, I had to take a cab home THEN, or Hub was gonna lose his membership. Hub was like, WTF? So he went and asked Kevin, our old friend from the old neighborhood who works at the club, and he was like, "She's fine, she isn't bothering anybody", and just to cover his ass further, he went and asked his brother in law, who happens to be on the Board of Whatever there, and even he said as long as I wasn't bothering anybody I was fine. I did wake up and was pissed, I moved away from Rhonda and sat across the club the rest of the night.

The next morning we had to go to Caroline and Wayne's to fetch the van and sat down to chat a little. She was equally annoyed with Rhonda's shit, too. Turns out her big thing was she wanted to leave the club by 10:00, no later, and that wasn't happening. So, I guess I was her way out or maybe she just wanted to be a douche.

Not the first time. The nigth of the superbowl this year she was pulling some major cunt shit, also New Year's 2005 (the one that ended 2004. Is that 05, or 04? I can never figure that out.

And I'm just stuck with the bitch! I've known them way too long. Ya know? Kids are best friends, I love Robert, we're friends with the whoel crew, oh, and there's that Bobo perk, I just have to remember where her shit comes form and that everyone and anyone is a target at any time.

Me and Caroline are getting pretty tight, and that's cool. Chatting on the phone all the time (I know, me. But it's never for long), hanging out, etc. And her boyfriend Wayne is a great guy.

Anyway. Local news is that Nina and Co should be out of here before September. We talked to the neighbors on the other side of them, Dave and Debbie, who are possibly buying it, and they said Gary, the landlord, is going to evict them. Having her mom live there is breaking the lease and it's enough for him. He went yesterday to pick up their rent (he has to chase them every month), and theyd left a trash bag (or, it looked like two) on their porch, and the raccoons tore it up and there was trash everywhere, even in front of the door. They make a mess and it's disgusting. He was LIVID! He went next door and asked Dave if that happened a lot Dave was like, "Uh...yeah". Well, JAy doesn't take out the trash every week, every other week at best but usually every three weeks, and that's nasty. Out here, where the fucking raccoons and whatever else tear into it and get it everywhere.

It happens, ya know. It happens to us sometimes when people forget to put the rock on top of the barrel top (that approach? Absolutely infallible), and it happens to Crush neighbor, too. Clean it up, don;t leave it there till whenever. I never knew Crush Neighbor has a problem cuz he cleans it up first thing in the AM.

And the carpets in that place. UGH. They spill shit alll over them, upsatirs anad downstairs, and never even wipe it up. Then the dirt sticks in...there is not one carpet in that house that's not stained with a ton of shit. And, the landlord, who cleans hotel carpets for his business, just steam cleaned them a few months back and you'd neevr know.

They had their cable turned off probably five or six months ago and haven't had it turned back on. Jay bus three or four new DVDs a week which strikes me as a tad more expensive than cable.

But. They know everything. They'll tell you. Nina knows everything about herself and will gladly tell you over and over. and over. and over. and over.

Anyway, Nina's on her way out. I'll miss Jaegan, I think it's been really good for him to live next door to his family where he feels like he belongs. But, I won't be terribly sad to go back to life as I knew before they moved in.

Kids are insane. They're all screaming and arguing and shit, and that's my cue to go inside.


Listening to: kids screaming, birds singing, cars

Currently reading: nada

Thinking about: lsdjfbsdbsdkjjhsosidjpsi