23 June 2006 | 7:32 a.m.

I'm out, yo.

My husband is shipping me out to NY a week early. I'm not fighting him about it either. I'm letting him take over for a while. I have faith, I think that he knows he has to handle some things and he can do it best without me here.

Wednesday morning I had a major meltdown. Almost a nervous breakdown. The state of the business and even more so, the state of our finances, and all the other added stress in my life almost completely took me over. I say almost, because I knew at that time that one more thing would pretty much send me over the edge. I was a wreck. It was bad.

Hub and I fought and I sent him off, I couldn't fight anymore. I was looking up divorce lawyers (ones who also handled small business law) in the phone book when he came back after a few hours. He took me upstairs and let me know, I was taking my kids and going to NY early. He'd already talked to Linda, Chuck and Kristin out there about it. Money was no object, if I couldn't get some to get out there, they'd get it to me.

His original plan was for me to leave yesterday, but it was the boy's birthday and my dad & future step-mommy were coming over in the AM, and my cousin and her kids in the PM, so we made plans for today instead.

While I'm away, he's going to dissolve the business. He already has employment prospects and is going to keep doing his own jobs on the side, like he used to before.

Anyway, I have to get off the damn computer and start packing. We're leaving home at 10, getting an oil change, gas and money (probably should get the money first) and heading out.

I'll be online when I get there, I might even update.


Listening to: ABC News.

Currently reading: "The Winner" David Baldacci

Thinking about: Global warming. Thanks, Al. Get me all riled up and you won't even run again. =(