27 June 2006 | 2:10 p.m.

Fucking parental controls

OMG how many times do I have to put the damn password in?

Things are okay. I left the problems at home for the Hubster and that's fine by me. It's raining like a pissa here but it's nice at home. Dammit.

I get to go to Buffalo on Thursday, sans kids or others, to pick up a (so I've heard) hot young man. I'm kinda looking forward to this, especially since the ride will turn into a big bake ride, which works for me.

Other than that, I've barely heard from Hub. Well, he's called, but not as much as in times past (like last year) when we were apart. Which makes me think, "WTF? Is up?". Who knows.

Damn I could go for a beer right now.

Listening to: Nothing. THERE'S NO MUSIC HERE!!!!

Currently reading: "The Winner" David Baldacci

Thinking about: Beer.