07 November 2003 | 10:48 p.m.

Ain't no time to hate, barely time to wait...

Well, hellooooooo!

I went out and bought "The Very Best of The Grateful Dead" the other night and am currently cranking it in the headphones at the moment. I was a bit of a Dead Head back in the day, but haven't listened to them in years. I'm enjoying a little renaissance.

I've really got to get this diary organized, fill in that "favorite" stuff on my profile, never mind hook myself up with a better layout. Hopefully this weekend I'll have time. Both of the adolescents are banned from the computer temporarily, so it'll be more available at least.

I'm a little loopy at the moment, having had three shots of 100 proof Hot Damn! and a little weed. Pardone my ADD, please. I'm totally amused by the winamp, the way it shows the band and the name of the tune. Small minds are amused by small things. One of the adolescents puts on the Linkin Park skin, and I'm sorry, but I can't stand them, but the child changes it back everytime I change it. I give up. As long as it's not playing Linkin Park, I'll just fucking leave it.

Oh my god. The Dead. "Friend of the Devil" is on right now. I've had this disc on in the van CRANKED since Wednesday. Picture me in the late model minivan with my work clothes on (ie Talbot's suits, business professional attire), at my age, kids in tow, cranking the Dead. And it's bringing back wonderful memories, like the shows I went to and the serious amount of partying I did there. I saw them in July of 1990, but did hit the parking lot about four other times. What a blast. At the show in 90, my friends and I tripped our faces off, had a blast, and after the show, while watching a band in the parking lot, I met a hottie named Steve from Connecticut and told him my name was Scarlet Begonias. One of my girlfriends told him my real name and he told her he preferred Scarlet, thank you. Yeah. We were deeply in love for the hour or two we were together, but then he had to go home to Connecticut and we parted ways. Good times, "Everybody's dancing down the local amory witha basement full of dynamite and light artillery..." What a line. "One More Saturday night".

Anyway, Get this. I weighed in Wednesday night and remember the chocolate incidents? Yeah. I was convinced I was up. But, no. I lost 1.2. WTF? I told them I so indulged in Halloween candy. One woman says "Oh, I was bad, I had six pieces of candy" and I was like, "Well I had like 10, every night since Halloween!". Probably the stress of shit or something, I don't know. Anyway, I won't argue, I'll take it. 72 lbs down and 28 to go. Go, me.

The verdict on Hubby's eye is that his optic nerve is fried, is going to die in the next year, and he's going to completely lose his sight in that eye permanently. Which blows. I feel so bad for him. They call it "traumatic optic neuropathy". Big words for "Dead Nerve to Eye". People just don't understand that it can't be fixed, you know, with laser surgery and all. Hello. You can't fix dead nerve tissue, otherwise you'd have a bunch of folks who are paralyzed walking around. Spinal cord, optic nerve--nerve tissue is nerve tissue, and even though Hubby is more fortunate than those who are paraplegic or quadrapelgic, I think it runs along the same line with the nerve tissue thing. Of course, I didn't go to medical school so I could be wrong.

He was asking for sex every night this week and while I never actually turned him down, I passed out on him every damn night. I can't help it, I'm pooped! We decided tonight to do it right after the kids went to bed, so I wouldn't pass out on him again. Well, we did it early and here it is almost 11 and I'm still wide awake.

I'm just getting lame now, I'm outta here. "Trouble ahead, trouble behind, and you know that notion just crossed my mind".


Listening to:

Currently reading:

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