08 November 2003 | 11:22 a.m.

That's what it's all about

It's my first weekend in about a month where my only obligations are to do laundry, clean the house and tend to the chitlins. You have no friggin idea how exciting this is for me. I've spent the past hour or two on this computer, updating my profile and reading other diaries. But I have this deep-seated guilt digging at me. Like, look at this dusty living room, ew, the laundry is piled up in the bathroom, I really shouldn't be screwing off like this. And ya know, I deserve to screw off, I know I do, but I still feel like a big lazy-ass.

Tee hee. Tell me if this is mean. Stepkid was on AIM the other night (before being banished from the computer) but away from it when one of his little girlfriends IMed him. She says hi to him and I happened to catch it, so I wrote in "I'll brb, I have to go shave my back" and she writes "oh, ew" to which I write, "yeah, we have to be really careful cuz of the huge mole" and she's like, "Oh, nasty". At that point, said stepkid comes back and sees what I've done, and I'm on the floor cracking up. I do it to my own adolescent too, but he's getting smarter and not leaving his AIM on if he's not near the computer. I just love razzing those boys. It's great fun.

Cat's out of the bag. The adolescents are both boys. My own has ADD and has been medicated for about 2 1/2 years now. Now he's grown about 3 inches since last spring and I think he's due for a higher dose as he's becoming a hyperactive spaz while he's on the meds now. We go to see the "Ritalin Lady" on Tuesday. Not soon enough for this chick.

Hubby's out working for the first time since his injury two weeks ago. It'll be good for him. He drove yesterday for the first time and did okay, although he had a little trouble backing up. He still has some peripheral vision in the injured eye, and I think that might be making it a little harder to see than if it was just totally blind. He's been pretty upset about the vision loss and I've been supporting him as best as I can. He was telling me more detail about the accident last night and said that when it happened he really thought he was going to die. Meanwhile, when I got the call, I thought he'd get some stitches and be home in a few hours. That reality changed when I got to the hospital and found he was injured a lot worse than I'd thought. But at least he didn't die. I keep trying to accentuate the positive, it could have been worse, a lot worse, and that is helping him cope a bit better. And while he's coping with the loss of his sight in that eye, he's also thinking about the settlement he's eventually going to get. He's been talking about buying a house a lot more now. He owned a house while he was with The Douchebag but had to sell after they divorced, and he's still got the taste for homeownership. I've never owned but would love to. If anything comes out of this awful injury, hopefully it'll be a nice home for our family with a small or no mortgage. That's the long term game plan that we've discussed thus far.

Well, the dust in this room has me absolutely disgusted, and I should really start attacking Mount Laundry in the bathroom. And cut up some nutritious veggies, make lunch, do all those supermom things. But first, a trip to the pot box (from now on to be known as "the box") to get adjusted, because I'm bad like that.

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