22 November 2003 | 12:40 a.m.

WOW look at me, up at this late hour!

Here I go again, Hubby's ass is out cold on the couch and I start to nod off here in front of the computer. Nice.

Tonight the Tibetan Monks demostrated their chanting at a local college. Hubby and I and my two little ones (ages 4 and 3) went. A ton of people were there. The monks are from the Drepung Gomang Monastery in southern India. They're touring the US to share their culture and raise money for their monastery. They are so cool. I was so excited to go and I was not disappointed. After their presentation, which ran long, we were leaving at the same time as several of the monks. They all made a point to say hello to my 3 year old, they seemed so enthralled by him. I was beaming from ear to ear, here was my own little child making an impression on the same people who were making an impression on me! It was thrilling, it was so great to see them and share it with my two little ones. My 4 year old was very interested, as she gets excited about Buddhism too, she has asked me to tell her the story of the Buddha a hundred times. When in my life am I ever going to have the chance to meet Tibetan Buddhist monks again? Sunday, because they are dismantling a sand mandala that they've been building and also having a meeting with the community. It's about a 3 hour deal and even though I really can't spare the time this weekend, I have to go. Can't miss it. I can make the time. I really have to get a move on with learning more about Buddhism and to get on the path, the more I learn, the more I experience it, the more I know that it is meant for me, or rather, I was meant to be a Buddhist. (That was one heckuva rambly sentence).

And Hubby's totally cool with it. He'd never even have known about Buddhism were it not for me. And while he doesn't get into it like I do, he has a lot of respect for my interest. He really is a wonderful husband. I nitpick about stupid shit, I vent about crap that in the larger scheme of things really doesn't mean shit, but I always know that I have a good man. He's especially good right now, sleeping on the couch!

There's really nothing juicy for me to get into. I just chowed down on some popcarn and feel bloated as a whale. I think I'm going to grab my pipe, sit down on the loveseat, smoke, flip channels and fall asleep within 10 minutes. Hubby will wake me up when he's ready to go to bed, as he can't sleep without me (unless he's on the couch).

Star Wars Episode 2 is on. I haven't seen this one. Is the young Darth Vader (I forget what they call him) screwing Queen Amidala? I can't get into the new Star Wars movies like I did the first ones, particularly the first 2. I think Empire was by far the best. But that's neither here nor there. I've got to go do that thing with the pipe and the loveseat.


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