07 December 2003 | 9:47 a.m.

Bad people? Where was Spiderman?

Another snowy day. Only today it's really snowing. The only two things I like about snow now: 1) since moving out of the city and into the boonies, it's much prettier. Plus we have more room to put it. 2) Hubby has a plow. Snow + plow= MONEY! Snow + plow also means dealing with morons. Why do people not understand that you can't just leave your car any old place when someone's coming to plow? Our next door neighbors are classic idiots, of the inconsiderate variety to boot. Hub went over the other night to explain to these rocket scientists how to park so he can plow us out. Fucking morons didn't get it, so their asses got plowed in. Oh well. Fucking asswipes. Maybe next winter, if we have a house by then, they can snowblow the entire 200 ft driveway.

Here's one for the "And you thought you'd seen it all category": I looked outside yesterday and the guy next door was cleaning the snow off his car. With an electric leafblower. To say I wouldn't pass up a Rotten.com photo op would be an understatement.

I put the tv on Disney this morning, which I never do. My little ones are mainly into Nick, Noggin and PBS, but some Winnie the Pooh show was on so I left it there. My 3 year old came running up to me a minute ago, "Mama! The Wiggles are on next!". I had no idea he knew who the Wiggles are, much less like them that much that he'd be so excited about it.

Cute 3 year old story. Footage of 9/11/01 was on the news the other night. My daughter asks, "Why are those bulidings on fire?" So I told her about bad people flying planes into the building, yada yada yada, and 3 year old says: "Bad people? Where was Spiderman?". Precious. Life would be great if we could think like 3 year olds forever.

I've been like completely enamored with Hubby lately. The wonderful thing about our marriage is that I feel the love get stronger everyday. When we first hooked up, for me it was not that head-over-heels can't be without you infatuation for me, it was more like I just knew. I knew he was the one for me. Three plus years later, I get that head over heels thing. Since Senior's funeral, I absolutely want to consume him. I can't hug him and kiss him and fuck him enough. At night I'm like a leech on him. Can't say he doesn't like it. I don't know what it was about the funeral that set me off, well, I kind of know but it's hard to explain. It has to do with lineage, the passing of genes from one generation to the next, how it becomes almost mythical to me after someone dies. And how my husband's genes came partly from a man who didn't accomplish much in life (his obit didn't mention one thing about what he did for work in life, and Hub has said he didn't do anything for years), who had a big alcohol problem and had nothing to do with his children. And my husband is the stellar opposite, and that's because he took that model of a man and worked on becoming the opposite. He works his ass off, and his work involves a lot of heavy physical labor, he's a light drinker (I've been drunk twice since we've been together,so that makes me the alcoholic as I've never seen him actually falling off his ass drunk) and he loves his kids. I'm so glad to have him in my life and I know that we'll be together forever, it truly is a till-death-do-we-part situation. I can just hang out with him. All his baggage and his penchant for fucking things up, it's all totally worth it. He's such a good man.

We knew each other in junior high and high school. We weren't close friends but we knew each other enough to say hi in the halls. He was one of those guys that looked much younger than he was. His son was born when he was 18, and to look at the photos, you'd think he was 14--that's how young he looked. He was the same person back then, but I never would have even considered going out with him back then. Of course, back in the 80's, if the guy wasn't wearing a leather jacket, tight Levi's and a mullet, I wasn't interested. I had a taste for asshole losers back then. It took a few asshole losers to change my taste (the little ones' sperm donor, let's just call him Dick, definitely got rid of that taste for me. Even though, I have to say, I still find some assholes attractive. Like Tommy Lee. What the fuck is wrong with me? I've got that bad boy thing going on). But then again, Hub can be an asshole. He's a wicked asshole to The Douchebag when she pisses him off. He's the type of guy that if you piss him off, he'll be a dickhead. He's a nice guy, just don't wrong him, cuz then there's no more Mr. Nice Guy. Just ask my neighbors, when they're busy shovelling their cars out of the snowbank he plowed them into. (hee hee. they deserve it. can't say he didn't warn them. stupid lazy ass retards. the leafblower is not going to work on the snowbank, but try it anyway!)

Well, I'm rambling. I'm going to eat my 3 points worth of cottage cheese and go take a shower.


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