08 May 2004 | 3:49 p.m.


I'm such a shit for not updating this thing for two weeks, especially considering that I've been home all week on vaca from work. Little MIckey, that spoiled little fucker, loves the computer, will play for endless hours on Nickjr.com (no link, too lazy) and does not take lightly to others on the computer, especially Mom. So rather than subject myself to his bullshit, which is basically him whining over and over, "I want nickjr.com, I want nickjr.com, Mama, I want nickjr.com..." (and he has much more stamina than myself), I'd prefer to avoid the entire situation altogether. I realize this is a cop-out, brought on by a wonderful case of laziness, but that's the way it is. I will regret it when he's a teenager and beyond, yesirree.

Anyway. Enough about kids. Of which I have none right now, by the way. I've left them with a friend, and I miss them very much (especially the little ones, as I've gotten quite accustomed to not having the large one around at times), but HUb and I have a show to go to. Whoop-ah-dee-do, Hub is late as usual. So I'm here, alone, drinking and smoking. Ain't life great.

Enough about everything. I'm going to get back on track with this diary, really, it just might be a while.

Yada, yada, yada, if Hub isn't here soon, he's going to have a rought time tonight.

Shit, typos. Sheesh. Enough, already.

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