28 July 2004 | 9:04 a.m.

The one where I'm online again and make a startling confession

Written: Tuesday 7/27/2004

Posted: When the hell ever my lame-ass ISP straightens out their fucking broadband.

Hola! Como esta! My internet has been down since last week, and finally I'm getting a techy dude to come over and fix this shit. But, I'll write now and post hopefully tomorrow.

Staying home is definitely working for this chick. The kids start to drive me nuts, mainly cuz I'm a frickin' pushover and they know it, but it's great to be with them all day. And to be here, and have a halfway decent looking house. And to not spend my weekends tied up with laundry and housework, that's the best part. Or, perhaps, my nice tan that I've gotten (as summer finally decided to show up for a brief appearance last week), I haven't had one for three years.

I have this horrible new guilty pleasure that I've become obsessed with. I hate to even say it, as I've hated this particular type of music from whenever I can remember, sans a few songs, but I'll just get right to it. I've been listening to country music. ACK! Just seeing the words scares me. I haven't told Hub about this, as he'll see this as permission to blast the shit 24-7. I mean, the sad "lost my wife, lost my dog, lost my truck" still makes me want to kill myself, but the fun stuff is great. This all came about because Country Music Television and Great American Country are in between Comedy Central and VH-1 and MTV, my three favorite channels, so when I'm flipping between, I catch the country music videos. Number one, some of those country boys are SMOKIN' hot. As in, DAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMNN!!! My type is definitely a blue collar guy, strong and sweaty and dirty, and don't those country boys fit that bill. And, after two or three trips down to South Carolina when I was in my early to mid twenties, I developed a liking for southern boys and their charm (this chick is a sucker for charm). Those country boys remind me of them South Carolina guys. Number two, songs about drinking beer and hanging out, YEY! Right up my alley. The new Tim McGraw video is by far my favorite, "Live like you were dying", nice song and all, but Tim in that video--holy moley! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMNNN! What a babe. The cowboy hat, the white shirt (should be open more,in my opinion, but what the heck), the jeans that fit perfectly, not too tight, not too loose, and the bare feet, cheesy as that is, all makes this chick completely moist. There's another tune, by a Gretchen Something, about being a redneck girl, and as I listened to it, I realized, damn, I'm a friggin' redneck girl too. Minus the racism andbtrailer. Good grief.

Hub and I went out to a bar (that I used to frequent quite regularly in my twenties) with some friends Saturday night. What a blast. It helps when you look better than you have in like 14 years. I kept spotting totally hot guys everywhere, all alone, not a chick in sight. What a pisser, that shit never happened when I was single. I kept looking and around "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMNNNN!" kept going through my head every time I saw one. I saw three babes at the bar with an empty seat next to them, and all I could think was, if I was fucking single, I'd be in that seat. Damn.

I think I've figured out what it is with men and my desire for them, despite my husband. I think it's the thrill of the pick-up, the attention thing, that I was addicted to back then, and has resurfaced with my new appearance. Of course Hub gives me attention, good attention, but I've got him. I miss all of my favorite guys from the credit union where I was working. One who I'd been flirting with for months was disappointed at my leaving, and even commented on me being "adorable", which I haven't been called that for YEARS. Cutie. Miss them guys!

Now I realize that I'm typing this in notepad, which always ends up fucked up when I paste it into Diaryland. Dammit. Oh well, I'll try to copy from Word instead.

That is my confession for today. Hopefully, techy dude will hook me back onto the interweb tomorrow and I can post this shit.And even more.


Listening to:

Currently reading:

Thinking about: