16 August 2004 | 8:55 a.m.


I suppose I'll update, but I can't promise it'll be even remotely interesting or even worth reading. You know, like most of my entries.

It's raining, again, and it's Monday. To me, that's a recipe for a nap. To the kids, that's a recipe to drive Mom insane. Right now, they're doing the TV thing, then move on to coloring, puzzles and my favorite, Play D'oh! (you know, d'oh like Homer Simpson). Oh no, before they move onto coloring, they will completely wipe the snack cabinet out of fruit snacks and slim jims. And then hit the fridge for yogurt. And the fruit basket for plums and bananas.

It's all so terribly exciting, I could just shit myself.

I've been school shopping with the boys and it's just been so fun-filled, I'm so glad they're done. In one of my efforts to embarrass them, I stopped by the lingerie section and started looking at thongs and asked Beavis, "What do you think of this one?". He grabbed it, put it over his head and took a big whiff. Little fucker. That one backfired in my face, but still made me laugh.

I'm just not feeling it today. I feel blah like the weather. I'm going to aimlessly wander about the internet and try to stay out of trouble.


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