25 September 2004 | 5:09 p.m.

Gun rack, ball cap, don't take no crap

What a waste of a day. We were up late last night, with friends over, beer and a fire in the fire pit. I was a little less myself this morning, on account of the fact that I don't get much quality sleep while intoxicated. The kids were functioning like assholes. I found that out at Walmart this morning. (I know that I'm just begging for problems, going to Walmart on a Saturday morning, but when the mood strikes me, I go with it). We came home from Walmart and have been vegging out ever since. Yup, beautiful day, high 70's (great this time of year) and we stayed in the house. Yey.

I lost 4 more pounds this week, without trying, my first week as a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member. So I went 3 lbs under my goal weight. And I'm thinking...hmm..six more pounds and I could be the same weight I was senior year in high school, back in the day when I was totally hot. I'm tempted. I've also been considering some plastic surgery sometime in the future. Which is so not like me, I'm scared shitless of surgery, even for medically necessary reasons! (Like, fortunately for me I was able to deliver all 3 of my babies vaginally, because if they'd have said I needed a c-section, I'd have been like, "um, no, you'll just have to figure out another way, you ARE NOT cutting me open. Sorry.") But, those 3 babies (little bastards) and the 100 extra pounds have reduced my abdomen to an unbelievably hideous sight. Between the stretch marks, lost elasticity and extra skin, it's just plain nasty. Everything else is fine, except those veins on my legs that look like they're going to go varicose sometime soon, my legs, back, chest, arms (well, they've got that flab thing going on too) are all bearable to look at, but my belly is just gross. Hub has no problem with it, then again, he married me when I was on the north side 250 lbs, so what's a little extra skin?

Anyway, I asked Hub about it, and he of course said, "Don't do it for me". Big help. Hon, being that you are the big breadwinner in this shack, and that plastic surgery would come out of our pocket, I thought you might want a say. So, I decided on my own to look into it, and give myself a year to two years of keeping the weight off before I actually try to fool myself into thinking that I won't chicken out.

Hub's boss is looking to sell him half of his business. This offer came yesterday, after a year of planning for him to go on his own next year. Everything is really falling into place with the business, which is good. Except, I have learn all about bookkeeping and crap. We have Quickbooks but I have to learn that too. All the appropriate books for learning said subjects are on my desk right now, but I've hardly touched them. They just aren't as interesting as the David Baldacci I've been reading, plus I have to do that thinking thing...

Eh. I'm feeling really blah again, and it's time for me to get off here. It's been, like, two or three hours...sheesh.

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