11 October 2004 | 4:14 p.m.

Yes, my titles rarely have anything to do with my entries (or, why I am such a link making retard?)

I fuckin' hate when I click on a banner and I get a month old entry about how the person is abandoning d-land. WTF?!?!

I'm feeling better now. I've found that my mornings are a little rougher when I find out someone's dead and I don't get my coffee on time.

Our visit to the coast was very pleasant. We managed to escape eating at the swanky hotel restraunt and instead went www.portsmouthbrewery.com (fucking a, I can't get the goddamn link to work. The fuck? Do any of my fucking links work? Help?) and we had the Big Table pictured midway through the page. We also went swimming in the swanky hotel indoor pool and generally disturbed the place with our horrid white trash ways. But, we didn't get kicked out. And, when we were out on the porch and Minnie decided to break a glass ashtray everywhere, the help almost blew a gasket when they saw that we cleaned up the mess ourselves.

There's something to be said for snare drums since I've been digging Destiny's Child's new tune. I love that song.

I just can't get over how busy the last few days have been. There's been like no time at all to get really irritated by my kids.

Tomorrow night is the Beasties and I know I should be way more excited about it, and I am excited, but...I don't know. Something about going with Beavis takes a bit of the fun out of it. I mean, there'll be no pre-show joint in the van on the way down. Any flirting with cute little hotties will have to be at a minimum. And, since I'm the only one who can drive, I'll have to keep alcohol consumption down too. HOWEVER, I am pretty happy to be taking him to his first show at such a young age. I had to wait until I was almost 16.

Do the kids know we smoke pot? Meaning, particularly, Beavis and Butthead, the ones old enbough to understand. We don't do it in front of them. But, I go with the assumption that neither of the boys is retarded. They're out there. When I was 13 and 15, I knew kids who smoked, fuck it, my dad smoked until I was 12 or 13, and as much as he hid it from me (which, btw, wasn't a big effort), I knew he did. I knew he did before I knew what the fuck it was. So, I'm sure the boys do know on some level, but it's not something that has been discussed. If either came to me looking for direction with it, I'd advise them not to start, at least not until AFTER high school. Perhaps that sounds hypocritical, but I know the effect smoking dope had on me in high school, and it wasn't good. I'd like them to avoid that. Of course, they're going to have to make their own mistakes in life, I know that. It would just be nice if they could learn from some of mine. Ya know? But if they were to confront me with it, I don't think I'd lie about it. If I did, I'd lose all credibility with them. By admitting it, I'd almost feel like I'm condoning it, but, at the same time, it's easier to take advice from someone that you know has been there. I had a tough time growing up taking advice from people who acted like they'd never done anything "wrong", who made it seem like it was easy to "just say no", blah, blah, blah...and I just take it for granted that my kids would feel the same.

Anyway. That's it for me now.


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