12 October 2004 | 11:06 a.m.

Jockin' Mike D to my dismay

Hub's boss has just gone over some preliminary terms regarding the buyout of the business. If this does happen, it looks like we could really have a decent life. Comfortable. Like I mentioned before, no Escalade. Now we are looking into finding a good accountant and Hub's lawyer that handles his family court shit is also a business lawyer, so she'll be helping him out also.

Of course, nothing is to be finalized until after the custody trial for Daisy in December, due to child support matters. Esther, aka The Douchebag, gets plenty for one kid and the new business will complicate matters that are already complicated enough as it is. So, if you talk to Esther, don't say anything, okay? Thanks.

I failed to mention in my modest lifestyle commentary the other day that I do have one dream that I'd like to fulfill someday. I would like a camp on a lake and a nice boat. Not like a yacht or anything, but a nice fast boat that can fit 8 people. That's it. I'd like to have a cabin on my own land, very close to the lake, but I'd settle for a campsite at a campground that we could park a trailer on for the summer. Nothing fancy, just a place close to swimming where I can take the kids for weeks at a time and have lots of folks nearby who like to hangout. That's all. It looks like that dream may come true in a few years.

Today is a nice quiet day. I have no kids aside from Mickey, who's sitting on the couch watching tv in between playing with play-doh, coloring and whacking his little pee-pee. Dick, Mickey's sperm donor, told me that he beat it like crazy as a kid, and I guess Mickey will be no different. Which I have no problem with, I'm just trying to encourage him to do it while he's ALONE. I have noticed, however, that the boy is going to be hung like a horse like Dick is too. That's my boy.

OH! And the Beatsies tonight. It may very well turn out that Beavis may miss it, seeing as progress reports come out today and this is an area of concern for him. He knows that any D's or F's automatically mean he's not going, and the little bastard is shitting his pants. Butthead has offered his babysitting services as he knows how much Beavis is fucking up. That'll suck for the boy, but I'm still going! WOO!!!
I just checked out a set list from a concert of their's a few nights ago, and it looks like they're playing a little bit of everything. Yey! I love the Beastie Boys! Crappy seats or not!

Someone mentioned the other day in front of Beavis how it's kind of good we won't be near the mosh pit. Beavis asked me yesterday about it. "What do they do, put mud in the front of the stage?". Tee hee. His only knowledge of a pit is from Woodstock '99. Funny.

He might learn for real tonight, or he might not. Not that I'll be near any pit, as I learned my lesson on that a long time ago.

Anyway. Ciao. I got laundry to fold.

The excitement is never ending.

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