16 October 2004 | 8:48 a.m.

Coolin' by the lockers gettin' kinda funky

Craziness on the sitemeter this week. I don't even know why I have the damn thing, except to see my funny googles. Again, I apologize to the folks looking for info on clonipin and ya end up here. Here's what I can give you: if you have a tendency to freak out sometimes, clonipin will mellow that right out. It's also addictive. And I feel it goes great with alcohol, but that's not recommended.


Anyway. I liked the latest search for "pretty little pecker". HA! And all ya got was me writing about my 4 year old schmacking his pee-pee. Sorry!

SO. The Beasties. How fun was that! Beavis did end up going and I'm glad I took him. We sat up in the nosebleed seats where it was hard to even see the big screen, but we could hear everything okay. Yah. Next time I'm going to spend the extra fucking five bucks for floor seats, which, btfw, were general admission.

Well, we weren't alone up there on Mt. Everest. We had some weed smoking folks up there with us! You'd think I'd be pissed about people blazing up around my kid, but, no, I was more disappointed that I couldn't partake on account of said kid being there. I actually pointed it out to him. He looked around and his eyes got huge and he asked, "What are they going to do when they get caught?" (ahhhh, the innnocence. Not "if", but "when"). I said, "They won't get caught. Security has bigger things to worry about than a bunch of potheads up here".

The show was great. First off, we had a nice little dog show before the opening act came on. It was great, like a circus type thing with cute little doggies. Then Talib Kweli was on, who I'd never heard before but have heard him on the radio a few times since. He was good for someone I'd never heard.

Just at the end of his set, we went out and waited in the beer line from hell. But it was also the only beer line I could find that had Mich Ultra, so I patiently waited and made some friends in line. Some stupid fat bitch and her wound up boyfriend (who'd cut in front of me when they saw their friends) started freaking out cuz the line was lasting forever and the closer we got to the front, the more it was every man for himself, she started telling me SHE was in front of me, in case I forgot, to which I was like, whatever. I'll get my beer sooner or later. Her boyfriend started yelling at the guy who was working the counter and the guy actually came out to kick his ass, but they left with her losing her mind, screaming and yelling. All that for a beer? What a waste. My coolness paid off, however, because the guy in front of me ordered my beer for me and I handed him my stack of cash. Many thanks to you, Mr. Totally Cool Dude.

We got back just in time for the show. Fun, fun, fun! They played a little of everything, including my faves, "The Eggman", "Brass Monkey", a nice fat dose of stuff from "Check Your Head". They played a spoofy video of George W saying totally retarded stuff and their last encore was "dedicated to the future former president of the USA, George W. Bush" and that song was "Sabotage". Suffice it to say, the Boys are not big fans of our president, and neither were we in the audience!!!

NOw, I just have to find me a white and baby blue trucker cap with black felt letters "MCA" on it. (And I'm not changing those double caps). I got the cutest little pink "Beastie Boys" tee shirt, and I got Beavis a shirt too, but not a pink one. His is brown. He only likes his dresses in pink.

I've spent the past week with tons of kids here. I'm taking care of 5 kids, although I only have all five one day a week for like 4 hours. HAving other people's kids here all that time makes me thankful for the times when it's just my and Hub's brood. Like today. Even though all the kids' parents are cool, there's just some things I won't do with other people's kids around that I would with mine. Like sneak up into my room for a smoke break. Or drink beer. Or even swear. And this all takes incredible restraint on my part. Thank God I can relax for two days.

I do like taking care of the little fuckers though. It's fun to be with kids if you've got the right mentality for it. And some kids will just tell me anything and everything and I don't even have to ask. Give them some attention and they just spill their guts, and you get stories about all the shit that goes on at home. Not that I don't already know a bunch, but it's cute to hear it from a kid's perspective. And I know this works both ways, so I'm sure said parents get a kick out of hearing my stories from the kids too.

I just never thought I'd be the type of person who'd like a houseful of kids. I'm the one who was freaking out four years ago at the prospect of having three kids of my own, never mind the three that were to become my step-kids. Now, I'm frickin' neighborhood mom. I especially like it when Beavis and Butthead have their friends over. I didn't really have the kind of house where all my friends could be over all the time when I was a teenager, but I remember well the friends whose houses were like that and I'm glad that's my house now. Plus I'm cool so these kids let me in on their little teenage secrets and lingo and shit.

Blahdy, blahdy, blah. I'm getting off my ass now, I've got a busy day ahead of me.


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