17 October 2004 | 7:44 a.m.

Time to get up and go to work!!!

I think I've found a way to actually get shit done on this computer. It's called waking up at 5:00 am. None of those little bastards get up that early, including the big bastard that is my dear beloved husband. I balanced his checkbook, wrote an important letter that needed writing, looked up a website for a small business development organization--all before anyone got up! Oh, and I got Hub's business an email address at Hotmail (so, now he's been assigned his email address from the Internet Bureau, as he's been waiting for that). AND, I got to catch up on my buddy list. Now a quick diversion before I go and order his business cards.

I'm getting quite overwhelmed with this business thing. I never took a business course in college. I did in high school, but since I flunked it that doesn't count. (See, kids, this is why you should do good in school. It does catch up with you and bite you in the ass, as it has myself. "They" said it would happen, but my trampy little pot-smoking Bud-drinking teenaged ass did not listen to "them"). So, I know very little about starting a business, buying a business, running a business, etc, etc. And I'm a wittle scared that I might not be able to do this. I mean, write a business plan?! Hire employees? Deal with this shit? It's going to be a full-time job! (AACK! I hate those! Didn't I just quit one of those this summer?)

Yeah, so, I'm a little overwhelmed. BUT. I'm not stupid. I can do this shit, it's just going to take a lot to learn. And with a lawyer and an accountant and that Small Business organization helping out, I should be able to catch on. It's just now, I have no clue, and that's scary.

But I know some of the retards around here who have successful businesses, and if they can do it, I can too. Right?

It'd be easier if I didn't have all these yard-apes running all over the place. Oh, yeah, and the pot-smoking thing, which I told Hub if we really want to be successful, we need to quit. For obvious reasons, lack of motivation being prime. (It's even more difficult to quit when it's a partnered habit. Hub has mentioned it in the past when I wasn't ready. When I was ready, he went out and picked up another sack. It's a vicious cycle. Now he says we need to get through the trial and THEN we'll quit. WTF? It's pretty darn close to impossible to quit something when there's a nice huge stinky bag of it in the secret drawer).

Reminder to self: Boat. Camp. Own home. 5 years.

Damn. I have alot of shit to do. I still haven't showered. The girls are up and probably getting hungry.

Does anyone watch MadTV? SInce it's been on Comedy Central every night, I've been watching it. LOVE that show, especially Stuart. I'd love to change Mickey's alias to Stuart, because he IS Stuart. MAybe not quite as diabolical. I piss my pants watching him, thinking to myself, "Has Michael McDonald been spending time with my kid?!?". They have some of his skits at madtv.com, under "classic shows", if one is curious about Stuart. Only, I am nothing like Stuart's mom, just for the record.

Yes, two double caps in that sentence and no link, because I just can't get the fucking link thing to work, no patience for that at all!!!

I must go cook up some yummy french toast sticks so the kids can get their fill of sugar and crappy carbs for the morning.

Oh and those fucking business cards. Yey.

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