19 October 2004 | 2:14 p.m.

spoiled rotten brat. and I just love him to death.

Not much today. Took Mickey to the ped for his 4 year check-up, finally. Oh, he's healthy. And full of shots! Yey. He's also defiant, undisciplined, "young" and watches far too much tv. I know all this. And it's my fault. I'll admit it. I love the little brat to death and I love nothing more than to allow him to get away with everything. I'll regret it someday, this I know. And I think Beavis is a difficult teenager! HA! BUt, ya know, he's my baby , and he had that whole heart thing when he was born...I can't help but spoil him.

Again, supposed to be doing Hub's shit, and I did do like half of it, then my attention turned to D-land and that was it.

It's rainy and blah today. I don't feel like doing much except get under a blankie with my new book (a freakin' VC andrews, whom I haven't read since high school but couldn't resist picking it up yesterday at Wally World, kind of a guilty pleasure thing) and some kind of chips or cake or something. And a fatty. All together, the end result would be a nap. It's a damn good day for a nap.

I've been eating like a cow for like two weeks, and tomorrow when I *finally* go weigh in again, I know it'll show on that scale. But my clothes still fit good so it can't be more than 5 lbs. A combo of the change in seasons, smot poking and maybe some depression are packing it on. I've got to get my ass in gear or I'll head right back on up to a size 24. Ugh. No.

Well, the time has come for the big bastards to come home. Beavis will be bounding through the door, anxious to his homework (yah, right!), any minute now.


(And it IS pretty, dammit).

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