28 October 2004 | 9:06 a.m.

They fucking did it!

YEY! It's great to be from New England today!


I was skeptical until the very end, my friends, 30 seconds before they won, I was saying, "They're not going to win". Preacher Bill said, "You just keep going with that. Okay". And they won. THEY WON!

The Red Sox won the World Series!!! Holy fucking shit!

I would have given my left tit to have been in Boston last night. Not that they really rioted like they should have...I wanted to see fires and rolled cars...but at least no one got killed last night.

Oh, yeah, and that eclipse last night? What color was it? Huh? Yeah, that's right, IT WAS RED.

Anyway, enough about that.

The In-laws just left a few mintues ago. I was a wonderful and gracious host who has secured status as a favored in-law, much to my dismay. Oh, well, worse things have happened.

They could have told me last night that they were staying for 2 more days and I'd have said, "How about 3?". Cuz, the Sox won and the world didn't end so what the fuck.

Well, those two rambunctious kids came over yesterday and they weren't too happy that I focused 100% of my attention on them instead of letting them do whatever they wanted. But I don't want anyone to get hurt at my house, you see. And these kids are WILD. And I'm certain their mother doesn't discipline or reprimand them at all. Let's call these kids Bobby and Cindy.

Bobby is 5 and takes karate. He loves to fight. Well, when I've got 3 and 4 year old girls here, that's not appropriate. So, I set some serious rules yesterday.

1) No fucking tattling. I will be the monitor of everybody's behavior. You worry about yourself.

2) No hitting or playfighting. Period. Instant time-out.

3) Any fighting over toys or objects that results in any physical contact whatsoever results in said item being off-limits.

Three simple rules. Big wrench in the works. Now, my little spoiled brat, Mickey, and the other little girl I watch were totally cool with those rules. Bobby and Cindy? Holy crap. They cried for their mom, and here's a little excerpt from my notebook that I jotted down whilst outside yesterday:

"And kids. I'm just not crazy about taking care of other people's kids. Especially when they're fucking animals. I'm setting more ground rules for these fucking rugrats cuz I'm sick of all the fighting and tattling and now nobody's getting hurt but they're fucking crying cuz of the rules. Too fucking bad!! What the fuck? You can't destroy my house or hurt the other kids or rule those other kids around so now you act like a baby? How about this: Fuck you, kid. Suffer! HA! I don't care if you cry! You're fed, I'm watching you, I'm not abusing you verbally or physically (even though you really could use a swift kick in the ass, I won't be the one to take it upon myself to do that) so my job is done. And, I've taken extra measures to ensure your safety. So there. Fucker."

I'm telling ya. It never ends. I've got Bobby and Cindy for another 3 hours this afternoon, we'll see how that goes. I have never seen kids act like that. I thought Mickey was a discipline problem. Shit, he's a fucking walk in the park.

Park? Like Fenway? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Anyhoo...I'll be moseying along now.

More excitement to come! Stay tuned!

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