01 November 2004 | 8:54 a.m.

Bon Appe-tighty whitey

Well, there was no Halloween mischief. Not on account of the fact that we chickened out, but on account of the fact that Hub and I passed out cold after trick or treating and giving baths. And eating Reese's peanut butter cups. (Fucking Halloween candy. Oh yeah, Nestle's crunch bars have something new! Nestle's crunch with CARAMEL. Fuckers).

The cops came to pay a visit to our little mini-ghetto in the sticks yesterday. Apparently, some kids who live next to our little ghetto, but not in it (spoiled rotten little fuckers of a local businessman--these kids have dirt bikes, four wheelers, go-carts, you name it) were in the woods out front shooting paintballs at passing cars. One of the passing cars was one of our town's finest. Morons.

Anyway, at the time this was happening, Beavis and his partner in crime, "Cornholio", were in Beavis's room robbing and killing in San Andreas. Hub came home to see 2 cruisers in the common driveway, and came flying in the house "WHERE'S BEAVIS?!?". I guess at the same time, Cornholio's parents were assuming that the two of them were the kids they'd seen run off into the woods.

Lots of faith we have in these kids, ey?

Meanwhile, this was the best thing that's happened to the kids in the hood in a while. The cops gave them candy, showed them how the lights in the cruisers work, etc, and the guy who took the little shits who did it to the station left honking and waving and giving the thumbs up to the kids.

I tell ya, if it was Beavis, he'd have sat in the station for as long as they'd keep him.

I swear I'm one of the only parents in this hood that actually keeps an eye on my kids. And the other neighborhood kids. It amazes me that some of these kids are 6 and 7 and totally unattended. Not only does it amaze me, but it irks the shit out of me. These little bastards come into my yard and move my patio furniture and shit around, and get surprised when I tell them not to. I actually had to say this yesterday, "Please don't pull down my fence". SERIOUSLY! What the hell is wrong with their parents?

Beavis is home from school ill today. He's got some pukey thing. Mickey got it too, he barfed all over me yesterday while I was trying to comfort him. Then later, at Esther's, where we went so she could get a photo of Daisy in her costume, he yakked all over the sidewalk in front of their house. That was kind of funny.

Anyway, I've got errands to do before Andrea's kids show up at noon.


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