03 November 2004 | 9:24 a.m.

Three. Fucking. Attempts. Argh.

I hate my computer right now.

I�ve lost my entries not once, but twice. The second time, I thought I�d try it differently, and update in Wordpad instead of the evil d-land box that took my first entry. And I got fucked again.

Why I�m even trying a third time is beyond me, because I can�t fucking vent about the same damn thing three times.

If OPK says �I want� one more time, I�m going to fucking scream. I�m ignoring it, but I�d like to ring her little neck, truth be told. I don�t know how her parents can live with this 24/7. And I�ve got the devil�s spawn, Bobby and Cindy, for a joyous 3 hours today. Three hours of tattling fun! Yey! I�m going to kill myself!

Yeah, I could use a �pin.

My first entry was a rant about my completely retarded stepson, Butthead, and his moronic attitude on the election. This attitude has me way more irritated than any of the results thus far (the only one of which I�m happy about is that we voted in a new governor, and also that my typically conservative, Republican state was taken by Kerry, as was most of the Northeast, so I know I�m in good company up here).

Butthead�s political stance? �Who cares?!?� Asswipe.

His �I know everything, you can�t tell me nothing� attitude wouldn�t be so bad if he actually knew anything. �Who cares about what�s going on in the world?�.

(Of course, I suppose it�s better off that this imbecile won�t be voting when he�s old enough, since his attitude toward teen pregnancy is that a 14 year old SHOULD be made to bear her child, to �teach her a lesson�. Don�t even get me started on that one).

At least my own kids give a crap. Beavis was watching election coverage and giving me updates starting at around 8:00 last night. He also woke up at 2:00 am and 4:00 am to catch up. And first thing when he woke up at 6:00? More coverage.

Minnie? You know, my five year old? Points out all the Kerry Edwards signs we see. Insisted on going into the voting booth with me yesterday. Quietly waited in line, didn�t complain once. Listened intently as I showed her how to fill out a ballot.

Of course, I teach my kids about the importance of voting and keeping informed. They�re never too young. Shit, Beavis came with me to vote in the �92 election, when he was 1. He came with me every year. When he was 8, I voted in the 2000 primary. He waited in line with me and asked about the party affiliation of almost every candidate, naming them all off himself. The little old man in front of us finally turned around in amazement of this little kid who knew a ton. He joked with Beavis and said, �I think you�re too young to vote� and Beavis said, �I know�. And the man said, �At least you can tell your mom how to vote�. To which Beavis replied, �Oh, she already knows how�.

It�s how I was raised, too. The first election I followed was Jimmy Carter and Gerry Ford. I was 6. My mother wasn�t even born in the US, and she was in her late 20�s when she moved here and became a citizen, but she taught me. And my dad and my grandparents were always into politics.

Between Butthead�s parents, I�m not surprised he doesn�t care. He�s a product of his raisin�. It�s a damn shame, cuz there are plenty of others out there just like him. Yey. So proud to be an American.

Man, D-land is getting boring! Can anyone direct me to a nice flame war? Or a hot-headed journalist who updates often? Anyone? I can�t get the warm fuzzies about Livejournal or Blogger, so I�m stuck here, but I�m bored. Yeah, it�s probably a reflection of my real life, too. Boring.

Oh, and I am now a Supergoldmember, because I wanted that comments thingy. So if ya see it, please comment!

I�m outta here.

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