11 November 2004 | 11:20 a.m.

Disjointed ramblings of the country's next child-murderer

Hooray for Vet's Day.

Boo to no school!

At least Hub dragged Butthead off to work with him. I'm just stuck with Beavis, who had his partner in crime overnight, and they still haven't emerged. I think they're still ravaging San Andreas.

Bobby and Cindy didn't end up coming yesterday, as Bobby was ill. And they won't be here today either, due to the holiday. You can tell by my tone that I'm absolutely heartbroken. All I've got today is the "I want" kid, and we're finally making some headway with that. If she says "I want", I ignore her. She's finally catching on, and after she says "I want" like 5 times, she'll change gears and ask the right way.

Yey, what excitement, teaching kids to ask for shit the right way. Don't hate, someday all this could be your's, too. You just have to have a dream.

I'm going to take these bastards for a nice adventure today. We're going to walk some trails in a local park for a change of pace. Of course, they probably won't enjoy it and the trip will be cut short, like yesterday's stroll in the woods behind our house. I thought that would be fun, but it turns out that the "I want" kid is totally dependent on being carried and has no sense of adventure, and I'm sorry, but I'm not carrying a 40 pound kid around the woods.

This kid was raised mostly by her grandparents, and her mom just recently regained custody. These people claimed that her mother wasn't fit, but, I'm sorry, they weren't any good for this kid. When she first came here, after Mom got custody, she couldn't do ANYTHING by herself. Like, even throwing out a wrapper. She was still on a pacifier, for cryin' out loud, and she's three years old. And the "I want" shit was clearly given in to left and right. Now, with Mom, she's more independent and she's off the binky.

Blah, blah, blah. There I go again.

Butthead just revealed to me yesterday that his girlfriend, who's he been with for 6 months now, tried to kill herself over the summer. He was sharing this with me and telling me how he's not very sympathetic about it and he tells her it was a stupid thing to do. "Everybody says I'm mean, but it really is stupid". It can't be hurting her too much, because she's still calling him all the time.

It reminded me of when I was 15 and tried it. It's not something I talk about much, and I don't think I've ever told Hub, because it was stupid. I won't go into too many details, but it revolved around my boyfriend at the time, and the ensuing pregnancy, and I ended up in the hospital overnight because of it. Said boyfriend, "Mike", came to see me that night and told me I was one of the stupidest people he'd ever met. Which was true. I still agree with him on that. I ended up seeing a therapist, which helped me out a lot at the time, and having an abortion a few weeks later. And Mike and I broke up. (However, we did end up making peace about a year later, and threw all our cards on the table. We ended up great friends as a result).

Beavis just emerged and ruined my whole damn mood. Fucker. He comes up acted like a spaz and then wants to make pancakes or eggs. Okay, assmunch, I can't trust you with the fucking whack a mole game (aka whack a kid) and you want me to trust you with my stove and pots and pans?

I am so not in the mood for this shit today. Which is why I'm taking off. And I won't forget to lock the bedroom door, even though the in-house pot-stealing suspect isn't here, I've discovered that Beavis is well-trained in the art of taking DVDs and CDs. Like my "Check Your Head" that I went looking for in the van yesterday and didn't find, on account of the little bastard took it without even saying anything! And then there's our "Day After Tomorrow" DVD, which has disappeared into thin air. So now we have to keep that shit locked up too.

Last night, he wanted to build a fire in the fire pit. I said no. He fucking argued with me about it until I had to threaten to ground him if he asked again. He just couldn't figure out why I didn't want him out there with his friends, all under 18, by a fire, when I had no intention of being out there to supervise. Obvious reasons aside, this is the retard who I saw take a burning log out of the fire and parade it around the last time we had a fire. And here I thought the stuff they teach him in Boy Scouts might've paid off.

Open ass, insert head.

I get so sick of his ADHD bullshit and how he uses it as his excuse to be obnoxious and rude and loud and just a fucking spaz in general. Sometimes, I just want to punch him. I don't know where I get the patience not to.

Amazing how one can be in a perfectly fine mood, only to have it ruined by the appearance of one individual. I'm so pissed right now after his whole 10 minutes up here. The kids are playing "Elefun" quite nicely, and he came in to start shit with the kids. "I just want to play!" he said. So, knowing his friend is right there, I promised to buy it for him for Christmas. Argh. I could bitch about this all day long.

I'll stop there. Talk about being all over the place.


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