12 November 2004 | 8:56 a.m.

Number 100. Yey, me!

Holy moley. Entry #100. Already?!? Good gracious. Where did the time go?

I finally committed to a diary. YEY!

Not much of interest today. Beavis is still alive, miraculously enough. And the boys are both back at school today, and it's Friday, which means one more day of OPK and then it's just Hub's and my tribe for two days.

Did I mention we're going to see "The Incredibles" this weekend? I'm pretty excited about that. The kiddos are too. The last time Minnie went to the movies, she was a baby. (Dick's brilliant idea, he HAD to go see "Star Wars:Episode1" and god forbid I'd be left home with the baby. I might cheat on him. So I became one of those clueless people with a baby in the movie theater. I missed most of the movie, btw).

We'll go see it, depending on if we'll be able to dig ourselves out of the snow. Because, we're expecting about an inch or two of snow, and I'd be surprised if we even get one, but to watch the weather and the news, we're going to be snowed in FOREVER. Everyone, now, go to the supermarket and stock up on your canned goods! We might never leave! Here we go again, another winter of "Storm Center" on TV. It's just so ridiculous.

I'm actually hoping for a lot of snow this winter. First, because I don't have to go out into it everyday, and also because of the $3800 plow we just put on HUb's truck. We need to make that money back! Uh...I mean, he does. He does the work, I just type up the bills in the computer.

I wish one of the OPK parents would call and cancel. But I don't see it happening, as I've had all my breaks this week. It would be nice to just wrap up in a blankie and read and hang out with my kids. I guess that'll have to wait til tomorrow.

Minnie is playing with P0lly P0cket. Who invented this shit? I'd like to have a chat with them. Can they possibly make the pieces any smaller? Can't tell ya how many of her shoes have gotten vacuumed up...uh..accidentally.

The excitement continues.

What is it about having someone take you off their buddy list that stings a little? Like, why don't they like me anymore? It's worse when you know the number is lower, but can't figure out who left. My criteria for removal? Haven't updated in 30-60 days. Oh, that and obnoxious bashing of liberal minded people. Not constructive bashing, which I'm open to, OBNOXIOUS BASHING.

Such is the wonder that is D-land. Well, time to face the day.


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