13 November 2004 | 3:52 a.m.

See no evil, Hear no evil, talkin' no bullshit

here i amafer midnight, drinking, lisening to the B-boys and chatting with a cutie pie on the west coast.

i can get into so much trouble with this online shit. This guy just happened to stumble upon my yahoo profile, which i really should delete, and almost did.

Until I stumbled upon this guy.\I'm bad. SO bad. This could likely be called cheating, but this dude has my panties in a bunch.


Yah right.

I shouldbn't even post this, but I will. And THEN Andrew will start running my banner.

Fucker. It's really my fault tho. Ishould run my banner on a day when I write an interesting entry. I mean, this could be interesting, if I poste dmy convo w/this guy.

I juts love the Beasties. I've been listening to them on this thing, reading lyrics, since about 9pm. That's 5 hours. Or so. "Check Your Head", "Ill Communication" and "To the Five Boroughs".

Did I mention that MCA totally rocks my socks right now? Maybe that Buddhist thing, maybe that really cool rhymin' and stealin' thing. Who knows. "Yo-Yauch-what up?". I just love him. He was riding a skateboard around the Centrum before the show I saw them at, but wouldn't it figure, I had to be fashionably late? I'd have just gone all groupie and embarrassed my kid anyway, so maybe my lateness was warranted anyway? EY?

I just love him. Did I mentiont hat I've been listening to the B-boys non-stop since I saw them a month ago? This is my current wallpapaer. Hub says, "That's Mommy's new boyfriend...".

Professor, what's another word for pirate treasure? Well, I think it's booty, booty. Booty.

A goood mix tape can put you in the right mood. Or the right B-boy CD. Which is any one of them.

"You got the booomin' system but it's blasting out doo-doo".

Somebody make me stop.

Or, how about no?

This guy is too much. Did I mention my releif that he's on the west coast, as in 2000 or so miles away? He's so hot. Where the hell was the internet when I was single? I know I've asked this before.

The thing I love about Hub is the sexual energy hasn't left us yet. Maybe I'm doign shit I shouldn't right now, but when it's time to hit the sack, he's the one I'm going to hop on top of.

I just won't tell him that this guy Dan is the one who's got me all worked up.

Tonight,w e were inour room, taking a break from the littel shits (ie;smoking weed) and haning out like 15 year olds, as we're known to do.

He's so easy to tease.
I just spread my legs a little (still dressed) and he looked at me. "Oh, you want me to fuck you?". Pigs. He doesn't care about day #2 on my period.

"Tis is a type of kind of formal dedication
Giving a shout out for much inspiration
All Iever really want to do is get nice
Get loose and scoop a little slice of life
Sendin out music to all comers of the land
I jump up on the stage and take the mic in my hand

I'm not playin' the role just being who I am....

If I listen to this song one more time it's going to bethen end of me.

I'll drive myself nuts. Oh wait!!!! DAmn Beasties.

MCA is MINE!!! Screww that wife and kid of his. Hell, screw mine too. Shit happens.

Just so you know, it's unlikely I'll be updating tommorrow, on account the ahngover I plan on having. See, I can't even spell it.


Just ignor this entry

You ddin't see this. Nor did you see me barf in the bathroom, and so what if he didin'tquite make the pocelain bud,

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