22 November 2004 | 4:17 p.m.

Beavis and Cornholio make more funnies

It�s unanimous so far, don�t tell him. I�m glad I looked into it before I went and gave it him.

And So-charming gave me a great idea. Start another one. I may just do that, and kind of cross post. Sometime. It�s a lot of work, though.

So. I got my P@rtylite stuff today, finally. It came UPS, just when Beavis and his partner in crime Cornholio got off the bus.

This is all I heard as they were walking up the hill:

�Hey, look the UPS man is here!�

�He has my package!�

�How big do you think my package is?!?�

�Look! He�s touching my package!�.

Just a little penishumpingpoopiekaka humor I felt like sharing. I think he forgot his meds again today, but I�m not sure.

Okay. I�ve got a freaking out 4 year old.


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