29 November 2004 | 1:51 p.m.

The trial, the trial, the trial. The fucking trial.

Well, the trip to Old N@vy was a little disappointing. I hate wearing khakis. I think I have more of a jeans body. And they had some really cool ones there today too with pink stitching on the back pockets, cute! But I really couldn�t afford to drop the cash on jeans, as it was I spent nearly $80.00. On two pairs of khakis and a sweater. Yey.

I�m extremely stressed out about the trial. I feel like freaking out. And I�m just a bitch to be around. Especially if you are Hub or either of the boys. I would love to just be left alone but that ain�t happening.

It doesn�t help that Hub is a shithead right now. He let Smokey use his truck for the next two days, which is cool. However, I took the truck out to my dad�s this weekend to bring our patio set out to store in his shed (friggin� thing is glass and Hub wanted to just put a tarp over it and leave it outside for the winter-yah!) and had put all the kid�s car seats in the truck. Instead of switching over (which is wicked easy cuz they�re just booster seats), Hub chose to leave them in the truck and we took the truck out with the kids later that same day.

Anyway, yada yada yada, Smokey came over last night to pick up the truck. I was upstairs getting ready for bed. Hub had gone out to get his necessary shit out before giving it to Smokey. Do you think he remembered the car seats?

Nope. Know why? Not just because he�s a dipshit like that sometimes, but also because I forgot. He bitches at me for reminding him of stupid shit, but I�ll tell ya, if I don�t remind him about something, you can guarantee it�ll be forgotten. This is what I mean when I said it sucks being the brains of the operation sometimes. (Yeah, the brains even includes dumb shit like this).

So, I didn�t realize our predicament until his morning, right before he was going to drop Daisy off. She�s old enough to not be in a car seat, but not big enough. Minnie is the opposite. In our state you have to be 6 to ride without a booster seat. Mickey is both too young and too small. And I had a shitload of running around to do this morning before Andrea�s kids got here and no car seats. And Smokey is working in Boston so forget about going to get them.

I mean, I took my chances and did what I had to do anyway. The van has these handy little strappy things for the shoulder straps, so they don�t cut across the kid�s neck thereby putting the child at risk for decapitation in the event of an accident. That makes me feel a little better, anyway.


Andrea�s grandmother watches her kids a few mornings a week and drops them off here before she goes to work. Somehow or another, she gets loads and loads of bakery goods from a local supermarket and ships them off to different places, like the soup kitchen, etc, but also people she knows with big families. You know, like us.

Today she must have hit the mother load. Hub went out with her to the car and came back with three packs of muffins, two packs of brownies, one pack of cupcakes, two mini-cakes, two loaves of bread and a bag of Two-bite brownies. What the fuck. After a weekend of misbehaving and wanting to be good today, that�s the last thing I needed. I have no resistance right now. None. Zip.

Two-bite brownies are absolutely evil. I�m not even a big brownie fan and can normally just pass on them, but not these. Holy shit. And then there�s the fact that a huge weakness of mine is cake frosting. Aargh.

Anyway, I already pigged out so there�s nothing I can do about it, except drink a bunch of water and move on with my life.

I actually have my deposition and my statement to the dickhead cop out and ready to read. I just really don�t want to. I am just going to be so nervous up there, and for an hour and a half?!? It just freaks me out just thinking about it. (In case you might have missed it, here is some juicy stuff about Chester, Esther�s �ex� (supposedly)-boyfriend.

Anyway. I�m moving on from the bakery goods to the meat stuffing (leftovers!). Screw it. Fucking trial.

Oh, I�ll be bringing my notebook to the trial with me. I�ll take notes and report the juicy stuff back. I�ll especially be looking for more Chester creepy quotes.

Ciao. =)

Listening to: Lazytown. It's louder than the radio. I think it's commercials on the radio.

Currently reading: My deposition and police statement. Yey!

Thinking about: Not losing my shit on the stand