06 December 2004 | 9:00 a.m.

Happy Fucking Monday!

Happy Fucking Monday.

Boy, it sure is happy around here. I�ve got the morning free until noon, then the kids start pouring in. So, I thought this could be a nice morning to spend with Mickey and Minnie.

Yah right.

Mickey would like to watch �Spiderman 2�, which needs to go back today, and Minnie�s being a bitch about it. I would just truly love to hear her screech one more time. Or perhaps Mickey can do his latest whiny thing, which I don�t believe I can describe in words. It�s kind of a bellow, I suppose, but whiny. It only succeeds in making me want to pound him.

Goddamn Aunt Flo, go away. I hate her. Making me fat and bitchy.

If you take that pill that only gives you a period four times a year, does that mean that you get PMS like four times worse? Just wondering. As liberating as it sounds, I�ll stick with my 12 a year, thanks. Oh yeah. I don�t need the pill anyway, since Hub is fixed!

The weekend was quiet. I did manage to get rid of Beavis (slept at his buddy�s both nights) in addition to Butthead. This resulted in lots of peace, quiet and privacy. I�d planned on going to walk the trails again, but the little brats I was stuck with (Minnie and Mickey) didn�t want to go. As much as I�d like to have forced them, it would have resulted in a miserable time for myself. So, instead of going out for nice exercise, I stayed in and ate like a cow. That shit has to stop.

It�s a combination of things driving my appetite. First, Aunt Flo. Second, the holidays/winter (hibernation mode). Third, that damn bag of weed. In one word: Moo.

Blah, blah, blah.

I�ve got Bobby and Cindy for four days this week, six hours for two of them, instead of the usual two days for three hours. Ugh. Actually, Bobby was on his best behavior last Thursday, causing me to wonder if he�d somehow been put on medication since I�d last seen him. Honestly.

This watching kids thing is getting to be more of a pain in the ass with the weather slowly getting colder. Can�t send them out as much. And yey when snow comes. I�m hoping to be able to abandon this babysitting thing if Hub�s business takes off next year. I can�t get shit done with them here, which has become almost full time lately. It�s nice money under the table (and works out to as much as I made working after daycare was paid), but that�s about it.

Anyway, I decorated the house for Christmas yesterday. My personal outlook on holiday decorating (and Xmas is the only holiday that I do it) is to be as tacky as possible. I go all out. I get rid of all the regular knicky-knacky things and go bananas with Xmas shit. The kids love it. Next weekend, we�ll be getting the tree. Turns out, there�s a cut your own tree farm right on my road. Who knew! A tree farm in the woods! The tree will be decorated in the same tacky fashion. Those nice, neat trees with the matching ornaments are real nice on TV or in the store, but not my house. No. My tree must look like it�ll either tip or catch fire at any second.

Hub and I have decided to purchase a digital camera and photo printer as our gift to each other this year. There�s a great set at Se@rs this week on sale for $250. And thanks to their website, I don�t even have to go to the mall for it! Yey!

This is getting lame. If you read this so far, here�s your reward: a pic of me and Mickey and Minnie, goofing off. Now that the trial is over, I can show my face. Kind of.


Listening to: I have no idea. Sounds like Lisa Lisa.

Currently reading: "Last Man Standing" David Baldacci, more than halfway done now!

Thinking about: A banana and a glass of water.