07 December 2004 | 10:04 a.m.

Winter. Snow. Money. Kids. Ugh.

Yesterday was absolutely from hell. I expect today to be the same, btw. I did get some good news, however. That being that Bobby and Cindy are going to be here yesterday and today INSTEAD of Weds and Thurs, not IN ADDITION to which is what I�d thought originally. That means, after today, I am done with them for over a week.

Yeah, I could just bitch on and on about how this babysitting gig is wearing on my nerves, but I�ll cut it short today. Except to say that I�ve got 12 hours of babysitting hell today, started at 6 am with the �I want� kid and doesn�t end until 6:30 when Bobby and Cindy ship off. Ugh. I was almost in tears yesterday when Hub finally showed up. I don�t get a break like when I�m actually working. Nope. Non-stop bullshit from kids all damn day long. I think I�m going to take up pulling my hair out.

(Howz that for cutting it short?)

The fun really starts around the 3 o�clock hour, when the boys come home. That�s when I start looking for the gun I�ll need to blow my head off. Beavis is never going to see his TV again, for he is completely retarded. Doesn�t understand �clean your room�. We told him at least twice on Sunday, and went down to find that he hadn�t done a damn thing. Oh? Bye-bye TV. Then he comes home yesterday, can�t clean right away because of homework (which is cool), but after homework, he needs a break. He tells me, the woman with non-stop stress going on under her nose, this and I nearly knocked him down. I�m going to one of these days. I don�t care if he�s as tall as me now. I still weigh more than him and I think I can adequately kick his little ass. I�m telling ya, one more obnoxious, disrespectful comment and the boy�s ass is mine. Call DCYF, go ahead. I�ll make coffee for them.

Bah. There goes my mother of the year award.

Isn�t Aunt Flo time wonderful in my diary! Rant and rave and make no sense. Go, me!

The good news around here is snow. For the most part, I hate snow. I hate shoveling, cleaning the car off (especially now that the car is a minivan and harder to clean, especially with the really great snow catching receptacle that happens to be the bottom of my windshield, you know, where I keep my windshield wipers), snowy boots, kids who go out for like 3 minutes at a time, the cold, etc.

Having said that, I�m looking for a lot of snow this year. I have mentioned Hub�s plow that we paid big bucks for (cash, btw, as the only credit we have right now besides the loan on the van is a personal loan that�s more than halfway paid off. I hate credit cards and won�t get one until I have absolutely no choice). Hub�s looking at a layoff any day now (landscaping, very seasonal), and that plow cash is what�s going to get us through this winter. So far, he�s looking at $1700 a storm, and that�s just what he has now. And this morning, with not even an inch on the ground, he got called by the next town over, who he�s been doing work for here and there, to do a bunch of plowing. I hate to get excited, but that�s just the kind of news I�m looking for. I�ve been dreading this winter like crazy, but if we get lots of snow, it shouldn�t be too bad.

But, it looks like Hub will be buying his boss out. Hub consulted another accountant and this guy was more thorough in looking at the business. He�s cut the price of the business by almost half. So, since the trial is over, it�s time to get the ball rolling.

I just don�t know how the hell I�m going to be doing the books with these little fuckers crawling all over. I�m thinking about dumping a few kids (Bobby, Cindy and the �I want� kid are gone first) come spring time. I�ll keep Andrea�s kids because I really enjoy them and she loves bringing the kids here. I�m sure the other parents feel the same, but their kids are driving me nuts.

Oh yeah, I said I was going to cut that shit short, didn�t I? I lied.

Well, I�m going to make some cookies. Cutting out half the sugar and instead of butter and shortening, I�m using this stuff called �Lighter Bake� which has really done me well when making banana bread and shit. This is something new. If I remember (that�s the tricky part), I�ll report the results with my next update.

Oh and my book is nearly finished and it�s GOOD. Damn, David Baldacci is an awesome author. I should be done by tonight, seeing as I�ve only got a couple hundred more pages to read. One thing I�ve become talented at is watching a bunch of kids and reading a book at the same time. If I stand up while I�m doing it, they don�t seem to think I�m distracted as much.

Anyway. Boring. I�m out.


Listening to: "Superfreak" , Rick James

Currently reading: "Last Man Standing" David Baldacci. Never suspect the main suspect, it's never him.

Thinking about: I just realized, it's Pearl Harbor Day. =(