09 December 2004 | 11:18 a.m.

Esther and Dick. Now they would make a nice couple.

Let�s talk about Esther. Let�s see exactly why I dread the thought of Hub winning custody of Daisy after the trial (that dread having nothing to do with Daisy, btw).

Hub is now laid off. He doesn�t have to leave for work at 6 am anymore. He can actually take over the AM drop-offs of Daisy now. Which is nice for me, cuz I don�t have to drag all the kids out at an unreasonable hour. So, Hub just wants to drop Daisy off right at school, instead of leaving extra early to take her to Esther�s, which is further in town than the school.

Besides, he�s her father, and should be able to drop his kid off at school, right?

No, Esther has been on this big trip that SHE wants to be the one to drop Daisy off at school. Which is just silly. So, Hub called her up Tuesday night to say that for the winter, while he�s more available, he will be dropping her off at school.

Esther�s response? She flipped out on him (�You don�t care about me and Skippy!�). No big surprise there. Fortunately, Hub was decent about it, and told her if it was that much of a problem, to call her lawyer and the lawyers could hash it out. Of course, she didn�t, because she doesn�t have a leg to stand on.

She goes into how important it is for her to see Daisy before school. And then there�s �Skippy�, Esther�s son (who�s bio-dad has nothing to do with him and Esther has done nothing but remind the kid of this all his life, and he�s called every single man in her life since he was born �Daddy�. Poor Skippy! HE has no daddy! Boohoo! And she loves to blame that on Hub, btw, which makes no sense, but look what we�re dealing with here. Stop reminding the kid he has no dad and it won�t be as much of a tragedy, for crying out loud), who Esther says �misses� Daisy when she�s gone. This kid is almost 12, and she expects us to believe that he can�t live without seeing his 6 year old sister for a day? Please. This is either total bullshit or the kid is a major sissy. My vote is for bullshit, even though he does seem a bit like a sissy. (�I like-a do the cha-cha like a sissy girl!� Quick! What�s that from! One of the funniest scenes in a movie ever).

And this morning, when Hub went to drop Daisy off, there was Esther, right in front of Daisy�s classroom. She grabbed Daisy to hug her, but Daisy wanted to go to her class and pulled away. Yeah, that�s a kid who did nothing but miss her mom, alrighty.

Personally, I think she wants to see Daisy in the AM so that she can grill her for information about the visit to our house. Daisy is not a valuable source of information after time has passed, so she wouldn�t be able to provide Esther with any information after a whole school day has gone by. Hub agrees with my theory as do others who are familiar with Esther.

Esther has some kind of unhealthy attachment to her kids, if you ask me. In court, she testified that Daisy misses her so much when she�s with us and that Daisy can�t live without her. Granted, that�s Daisy�s mom and I don�t take that from her. BUT, I spend the weekends that Daisy is here with her and I see a little girl who has a pretty damn good time for someone who misses her mother so damn much. She never even asks about her, never has. Even over the summer when we�d have her for a week at a time.

So, just gauging from her reaction to Hub dropping Daisy off at school, what the fuck can we expect if Hub gets custody? It�ll be a nightmare. Holy crap. I�d like to see Hub get Daisy because I believe she�d be better off with us, but it�d be such a hassle. The woman will lose her shit. Like I mentioned before, we�d be needing restraining orders and shit. She really needs help.

It�s so much easier to deal with her, though, now that I know what I�m dealing with and I expect the worst from her. Hub was all bent about her reaction to him taking Daisy to school, but it didn�t bother me as much, as I�d expected it from her. I�d actually expected worse, to tell the truth. I just don�t know how I could deal with her crap if we had Daisy, and she was calling all the time or dropping in and harassing us. Then I�d have to kick her fat ugly ass, and I just hate to fight. I�m a lover, not a fighter. Besides, that would truly traumatize Daisy, because I would tear her momma up. That�s not a good idea. I�ll just keep being nice to the bitch for now.

That reminds me of the time Hub beat Dick up. Shall I share? Of course.

Back about three and a half years ago, before Hub and I got married (heck, I don�t think we were even living together at the time), Dick actually saw the kids. He�d come pick them up and even went on a streak where he was taking the kids for the whole weekend. It was nice, but at the same time, he was still trying to rule me around with the kids.

Now, I�ve mentioned before that Mickey had open heart surgery when he was 6 weeks old. When Mickey had his surgery, I offered for Dick to come with me seeing as it was his baby and all. But Dick said he had to work and didn�t go, so I was off to Boston Children�s to handle it all by myself (actually Hub came too, but he wasn�t Hub then, he was just boyfriend).

Six months later, Minnie (Dick�s favorite) had this little bump on the back of her head. She hadn�t fallen or anything, so it was intriguing. Dick was losing his mind over it, giving me hard time about not taking her to the doctor quick enough (I waited like a few hours before calling, and accepted an appointment for the next day). So, when it was time to take her, he HAD to go. Couldn�t miss it. He was going to BE THERE for his kids.

Anyway, it turned out that Minnie had a swollen lymph node. She�d had a mosquito bite that had gotten infected right next to the node, and the node took the infection, thereby swelling it and causing the little bump. Nothing big.

But to hear Dick tell it, it was the worst thing ever. Which was funny, considering Mickey�s heart and all. THAT was the worst thing ever, but for some reason, Dick could trust me with a major surgical procedure on a small baby (10% mortality rate, folks, now that�s fucking serious). A bump on the head of a 2 year old? I guess I wasn�t as qualified to handle that.

Anyway, shortly after that whole episode, and a few other events where he was trying to dictate how to raise Minnie to me (bear in mind, I was getting no financial help from him at all for those kids at the time) things were getting a little tense. And Hub was getting more and more pissed by Dick�s behavior. It was just a matter of time.

So, one Sunday morning, Dick showed up to see Minnie. And while I cannot remember the exact gist of his orders that day, I do remember that I was not agreeing to his bullshit. And he was getting all alpha male and shit and raised his voice and said (verbatim), �You WILL comply with me!�.

Well. If that didn�t bring Hub right to the door with a few words for Dick. To the extent of, stop ordering Dukkha around, she�s doing right by these kids, better than you are asshole, if you keep giving her a hard time I�m going to kick your fucking ass, etc, etc.

And then Dick decides to get cocky on Hub. And the next thing I knew, they were both on the ground outside. Hub took Dick down like a deck of cards. All the times I spent listening to Dick talk about how big and tough he is, and Hub had no problem kicking his ass. And he did it well, too.

I broke up the fight. My 264 lb fat ass out there in a freaking nightgown, between Hub and Dick. Lovely. Hub would have killed Dick, no contest. And I just didn�t think Hub needed a murder rap.

Anyway. I was pissed at Hub for doing it because he threw the first punch. Dick could have gotten charges pressed against him for assault and shit. I was pissed for about a day. And then I was glad. Know why?

Dick never gave me a hard time again. Hub? Dick became Hub�s biggest ass-kisser. �Hey, Hub, How are you today?�. Hub spoke to Dick in his language, and Dick understood quite well. See, and they say violence doesn�t solve anything. Ha.

Anyway. I�ve got to go. Almost time for lunch! Yey!


Listening to: "Ray of Light" Madonna

Currently reading: "The Stone Monkey" Jeffery Deaver

Thinking about: What the hell to make for lunch. Oh. And it's time to talk to Joe Doobie.