20 January 2005 | 4:44 p.m.

Diaryland Returns! Yey!

Wow, Andrew, way to fuck up dland. This is such a major inconvenience! I want to talk to the president!!! Get him on the horn! I am not the only one experiencing dland withdrawals. I know that for a fact.

Anyway, will post this whenever the big server changeover of 2005 is complete. Not that it�s exciting or anything.

Yeah, I went out last night. Nothing exciting. Nothing exciting is going to happen. Not for a while anyway. Which is fine with me. Seriously. �Everything happens for a reason�. I un-joined that stupid group and wiped that southern chump off my buddy list. I�m all set with peoples full of shit, thank you very much. I�ve found that the best buddies to have are the ones I�ve met here on dland. All three of you know who you are, you know, the ones I chat with on yahoo.

Anyway, I went to Weight Watchers, lost .6 which means I�ve lost almost four pounds in two weeks and have stayed under goal for longer than ever before (last record was one week, now it�s two) and it�s all good. Andrea thought she did shitty but lost 3 lbs in her first week, which was great. Clap, clap, clap, yey, Andrea! (Oops, still in WW mode).

Anyway, Andrea and I went back to her place and hung out with Willy. Listened to him fart and her bitch about it (�Light a fucking incense, Willy, you fucking stink!�), which was funny because I didn�t find them that offensive. I was all like, obviously you�ve never been around Hub after an evening of Bud and eggs. That�s offensive. (Dick was downright nasty. It didn�t matter what he ate, he had like this super duper fast metabolism and I think that�s why he had such horrid flatulence. He was stinky all the time. He had the SBDs too. You didn�t even get a warning).

So, we smoked some weed, rolled into a honey blunt that Smokey had given me earlier. I forgot to call him and give him shit about it, cuz it was stale and dry and required major procedures to get it in working order. But, it finally worked, and we got pleasantly stoned. Well, downright baked, to be more accurate. Plus I had a beer or two in me and was in story telling mode. So, after stories were told and I started to get tired and realized that by that time, the kids in my house would be asleep, I headed home.

Tried to get some dland love when I got home, but by then it was all fucked up. Hopefully all will be in working order when it returns. So I made myself a big bowl of oil-popped popcorn, topped with butter buds and parmesan cheese (oh so damn yummy) and cleaned up my email from that retarded yahoo group, checked the bank account, waited for my friend to come online, but the pot, popcorn and beer hit me hard and I went off to bed.

Hub had asked me to �wake him up�, meaning �let�s have some lovin� before I go out plowing for the next 12 hours�, so I obliged. He�s usually such a pain in the ass to wake up, but I�ll tell ya, rubbing his balls even just a little perks him right up. Wham, bam, thank you ma�am and then he gets nextelled by the guy the town over, �Whenever you�re ready, come join the party�. Which cracked my ass up, because he was asking him to get out and plow. (I guess�I�ll buy it for now). And the wham bam thank you ma�am wasn�t a problem, I was pretty buzzed from the beer and that makes it tough for me to come.

Anyway, had to get up and out early to take Mickey to the doctor for his ear. And he does in fact have a whopping ear infection. I just love the pediatrician. Her name is Linda, and she�s so cool I can call her that. I�ve never in my life had such a good rapore with a doctor. She just gets such a kick out of Minnie and Mickey, and we will sit there and just shoot the shit. I don�t get to see her much, as she�s very popular, I usually see the Nurse Practioner who�s cool too (but not as cool), and she hasn�t seen us in a good year. She was like, �Damn, slim, you look great! How the hell did you do that?�. So began our discussion of Weight Watchers and how she is now going to go. I swear WW owes me major money for all the business I�ve sent them. Anyway, I�m pretty convinced that Linda is a lesbian. Not that there�s anything wrong with that. I groove on shit like that. I had to book appointments for physicals for Beavis and Minnie, and wanted them with Linda, but she�s booked out through April and I can see the NP in Feb.

Went to the drug store and bumped into Jeffrey, who used to work at the credit union with me. He was 17 when I first met him, and now he�s going to be 21 this summer. Oh, is he a hunny. I totally flirted with him, giving him shit about not going back to the vredit union and how his choice was drugs over money. He laughed. He�s been away at college, but is taking a semester off. He did that last year, but not voluntarily. Now he wants to go to school to be a pharmacist. Like, why the hell not? Three years of school to make beaucoup bucks. I�ve seen pharmacists paychecks. Let�s just say I could live on it quite well.

Oh and then I get home and Shelly gets on the phone. She needs to vent. And she�s been drinking (yeah, at 10:00 am, she�s got a mean drinking problem) and taking the day off from work. There�s some credit union drama going on between her and Andrea (which I already heard from Andrea) over petty shit, but Shelly�s all bent out of shape. I hate when I get stuck in the middle, so I avoid it like the plague. I�ll let ya vent, but I ain�t getting involved. I�m so glad I don�t have to deal with workplace dramas at this time. Working with mainly women can suck ass royally. Men are so much more fun to work with. Reading Supermom always reminds me of how lucky I am to be out of it!!!

Well, this is long enough. I was going to go more into Esther aka The Douchebag, but I�ll save it. Let�s just say, I�m not a rub it in your face kinda person, but I hope this business does well. I hope it does so well that she�ll know it�s doing well, but there won�t be a damn thing she can do about it. Hub talked to the accountant yesterday. Everything�s going in my name. She can�t touch it. HA! Greedy bitch. And we�ll make sure that Hub�s paycheck is just enough to pay her what she�ll be getting now and nothing more. Cunt. (Did I say that again?)

Okay. Yeah. I�m done now.


Listening to: "Livin' la Vida Loca" I'm not even going to comment on the ridiculousness of this.

Currently reading: "The Bone Collector" Still.

Thinking about: Spagetti and meatballs. Yum.