09 February 2005 | 10:03 a.m.

It's that crazy lady again!

Greetings from Planet Insanity.

Seriously? I am so jealous of Kathy (sorry, it�s locked, but I know some of you read her), and her little �vacation� right now, it�s not even funny. Like really. I�m envious.

The local hospital in my hometown (you know, the city all the way next door to me) used to keep the �behavioral unit� on the 4th floor. About a year or two ago, they bought out a local mental health facility (or it closed, I forget which) and put the �nut ward� in a whole other location across town. However, we still refer to it as �the 4th floor� around here. (Like, when my bro goes in for one of his 4 day vacations, my dad will call and say, �Ned�s back on the 4th floor�).

I would so love a nice 4 day vacation on the 4th floor. And they�d take me in a heartbeat, too. Get me in front of a doc when I�m all wound up and they�d admit me on sight. Get me a nice room, no kids, some nice meds and lots of quiet time to watch the real nut jobs in action. Ah. Were it not for the whole �no health insurance� deal, I�d seriously consider it. It�s more likely to happen than me actually taking off for 4 days alone somewhere more vacation-y, which is also what I need. Get me the fuck away from my husband and these goddamned kids. But. Eventually it�d be over and I�d be right back where I started. So I can only dream. *sigh*

Yeah. My dear cousin was over for a few last night during the 6 o�clock hour, when I was busy making supper, �the other kids� were all gone, and Butthead had just gotten home from wrestling. You know, crazy hour. And she just watched us all in action, which we weren�t like fighting or anything, it was just crazy. Then she said, �No wonder you all get along so well here. You�re all insane�. Thank you, dear cousin. Tis true. And it came form the mouth of someone who also lives in a crazy house, but her�s is a crazy angry house. There�s a woman who needs to leave her miserable husband and marriage. But I digress.

I can�t wait to not be watching kids anymore. Can�t fucking wait. To anyone considering doing this, I give this advice: unless you are on some great anti-anxiety drugs or anti-depressants, or you just have the patience of a saint, DON�T DO IT. Other people�s kids totally suck ass. And they wreck your shit.

My sis in law Tina�s kid is a piece of work. Cute as all hell, but doesn�t speak a word. But he can screech like you wouldn�t believe. Holy shit. Minnie�s screeching that I often mention how much I hate? She�s got nothing on this kid. This kid is perfect fucking birth control.

Of course, Tina is a piece of work in herself. I�ve written about Hub�s fucked up family at length before, and she was included. I like Tina, we were friends in junior high. I remember in like 8th or 9th grade when I found out she and Hub were brother and sister (which was funny I�d never figured it out before, the same last name and they look a lot alike) and she was just like, �Yeah, unfortunately�.

Anyway, she�s got a drinking problem, and she is a nervous wreck. She needs some serious pins or valium. And this isn�t the pot calling the kettle black, she�s the first to admit it. When she�s drunk, she�s not too bad. But Saturday she came over relatively sober and man, she is a mess. To the point where I feel kinda bad for her.

She�s one that dwells on the past. She hates Millie, my dear mother in law, for doing such a crappy job of raising her, or more accurately, not raising her. Millie has got the two younger �Hatfield� brothers living with her (and those two I guarantee are Hatfield in name only, they did not come from the actual Mr. Hatfield) right now. Since Tina is out of the family gossip loop, she just found out from us Saturday that they�re staying there. Poor Tina was in tears hearing that, �She never took care of me�, she said. Of course, she needs to get over it, like Hub did, but she�s got issues. Like, when she announced that day that the third Hatfield brother (the one with the drinking problem who I thought was cute, but have since changed my mind) raped her when she was a kid. More fucking sexual abuse and incest in that family. It was fucking rampant, man. Even Hub got his share when he was a kid. No wonder they�re all fucked up.

Fortunately, Tina has gotten herself into counseling. Man, if anyone needs it, she�s the one.

It�s one of those things. Just when you think you have it bad, someone comes along and shows you that you don�t. I had a shitty childhood, no doubt about it. But I�d take mine over theirs any day of the week. Hands down.

In good news around here, Hub had his buddy Vinny over yesterday for a few. Vinny is an excellent carpenter and helped Hub build the boys� rooms downstairs. They went downstairs to try to figure out how to put another room down there for an office. I told Hub I wanted to set up a desk down there for the business, but not necessarily build a room, due to the whole �space issue�.

Well, Vinny said, yes, we can put another room down there, no problem. A private room, with a lock on it, just for an office. With my own desk, my own computer, my own filing cabinets, my own space. All locked up with no fucking kids having access. The mere thought is like heaven to me. I can�t wait. I want it yesterday. Imagine, I can put something down without them taking it or fucking it up. Confidential information locked away from them. My own personal 4th floor.

We got some snow coming tonight! Late enough to not fuck up my Wednesday night. And it�s supposed to go into tomorrow, which means no Bobby and Cindy tomorrow. Yey for snow!!! I�m so buying beer when I go to the grocery store today. (Yeah, I�m going to the grocery store with Mickey and Minnie--to get them out of the house for a change--and leaving Hub with the monsters. He ought to have a blast).

Well, I gotta wrap this shit up. Time to return to chaos. Yey.


Listening to: "Seven Nation Army" The White Stripes. Here's a "new" band that I like.

Currently reading: "Bad Boy" Olivia Goldsmith

Thinking about: Damn I gotta pee.