16 February 2005 | 11:51 p.m.

Moo! Part Two.

Goody! A drunken entry! Yey! I love drunken entries!

Yeah, and why am I here on the computer while drunk and not signed onto Yahoo IM? Hm. Good question. Maybe because I FEEL LIKE A BIG FAT COW????? Maybe.

Great idea. Go to Weight Watchers. Yeah. Go find out that I�ve gained another three pounds. Sure! That 10-15 lbs I wanted to lose by the summer? Yeah. Found it. Fucking 11 pounds I�ve put on in a month. MOO. (And I�m not driving by any fucking cows right now).

My girls say they don�t see it. Hub says I�m fine (but I disregard anything he says about my weight because he thought I looked good at 250 lbs). My pants still fit the same. I went to the grocery store tonight and the two hot guys I saw there checked me out, so it�s not that bad. I try to convince myself.

Fucking eating like a pig and staying in this house all day. It�s got to stop. And I need to join a gym, but I�m a little uptight about that. Around here, we have Gold�s and World. Which one is better? I need to join one that has babysitting, cuz waiting on Hub to be here to watch the kids won�t work. I do not like Curves at all. I haven�t been since last summer. I figure I might be able to got Smokey to show me the ropes there, since he is always at the gym. Plus I�d be more motivated to go if there were boys there.

I�m so pissed at myself it�s not even funny. 11 fucking pounds. Jesus fucking christ.

So before I keep up with bitching about my fat assed self, how about an update on Beavis?

He talked to his buddy yesterday. Which he says his buddy said that his parents kinda singled Beavis out the second they confronted him. It seems like Mommy and Daddy Uptight checked his history. Duh, don�t know how to erase that? Anyway, they confronted him and brought up Beavis�s name right off the bat. Which Beav had a point when he said that he couldn�t show him the shit here, since whenever his buddy is here, we are always here when they are on the computer. But that still didn�t stop me and Hub from raggin� on him for his google searches and shit, because it had to be done. He didn�t say shit to that, btw. No denial, no admittal. Just silence. Hee hee hee.

Anyway. WTF? Beavis is that kid that gets blamed for other people�s kids acting like kids. I was that kid too. Mostly when I was older and it came to smoking weed, my girls� parents always blamed me for that. (Gee, hmm, wonder why?) Or the way my grandmother blamed one certain friend of mine for all the shit I got into (what she knew of anyway), even though I can safely say I�d have gotten into it anyway with another friend, and did.

Anyway, my general feelings on church has to do with the hypocrisy of the people who go regularly and I have shared these feelings with my kids. When Beavis was telling me about his buddy, he said, �Now I see what you mean by hypocrites, Mom�. He can�t see his friend outside of school or Boy Scouts again until they get over it. And really, ya think he�s gonna give up on looking at porn after all this? I think not. Uptight parents. Loosen the fuck up and admit your kid is human just like you were. Guess who�s kid will have less issues sexually, mine or your�s? Yeah, that�s what I thought.

11 pounds. Time to quit drinking. That�s no fun. WTF?

OMG I have nothing to write about. I�m too buzzed. One last hoorah before I straighten my ass out. I so do not want to get fat again. Like not up even one size. I have to fix this before it gets worse. I am so afraid of getting fat again. So afraid, sometimes I think it might just happen for that reason. I want spring to come. I want to go outside everyday and walk around. And the sun. I want the sun. The kind I can go out in without a jacket and just sit in and enjoy. Fucking winter.

It�s been nice out and the snow is melting, hence my issue with mud. But, remember it�s only February 16. There is time for a full out thaw and then BAM, 2 fucking feet of snow. That�s how it usually happens. Am I right, am I right or am I right?

Fuckin� A right.

I can�t write. Beer number 7 says good night, nurse. =)


Listening to: "Bennie and the Jets" EJ.

Currently reading: "Bad Boy" Olivia Goldsmith. I might finish it this week.

Thinking about: Another beer. And oh yeah I'm all fat and shit.