09 March 2005 | 10:05 a.m.

Hey, Diaryland, did you broke yourself?

Thanks so much to Weight Watchers, for sending me this article yesterday. Yes, I needed that, but why wait until March? I could have used this two months ago.

I was doing pretty well with the old WW thang and then I hit a brick wall last week. Or the week before. Whatever. I�m sure I�ve gained. But, I�m going tonight and facing the music and getting on with it. Sooner or later hibernation has to end.

This winter has dragged on enough. Cabin fever is at it�s peak with me right now. We got a tropical fucking snowstorm last night, no word of a lie. At 8:30 pm last night, we had thunder and lightning and snow. Never in my life have I ever seen anything like it. But, that explains how the temp went from the 40�s yesterday to minus a gajillion degrees today. It looks like a hurricane hit outside. Branches and snowdrifts everywhere.

I keep reminding myself, if it snows a month from today, the snow will melt the next day. A month from today it will be April 9. One month. Spring is near, although a lot of folks are doubting it and thinking we�re going to be spending the rest of our lives on the ice planet Hoth.

But, remember, it�s global WARMING. Not global freezing.

I watched �The Real World� last night. They ran a marathon so I got to catch up on last week�s that I missed. Sarah�s mom and sister pissed me off royally. I was all talking to the tv and everything. Sarah�s mom was giving her shit about the fact that she�s gained some weight. And Sarah is admitting, �Yes, I gained a lot of weight�, and Mom says, �How much?� and Sarah says, �Like 5 pounds� and her mom is all pissed at her.

I wanted to go smack that woman right upside her stupid head. First off, your daughter is beautiful. Second, 5 fucking pounds? Give it a break. Third, uh, I wonder why the fuck Sarah has an eating disorder? Fourth, she�s a grown woman. Mind your own fucking business. Fifth, do you ever read anything or watch any tv shows about eating disorders? I�m thinking maybe you should. And perhaps some counseling might help you to figure out why you have the need to control your grown daughter�s weight. And leave your other daughter out of it.

Bitch. Remind me never to do that to my daughter. Kind of a touchy subject right there.

Anyway, then the last episode was on. And I cried like a baby. I know, I�m a retard. I�m admitting it, so get over it. I hate goodbyes in real life, so when I see them on tv I get all blubbery. Like they aren�t going to run the shit out of the re-runs, right? But, I really liked this cast. Especially Landon and Shavonda, they were awesome. Oh, man, was I all boo hoo hoo at the end when they were saying goodbye.

Landon is so my type. Fun, drunk, hot as hell, and his work ethic! Holy crap, did you see him throwing that playground together? I love a guy that works his ass off like that. Hard, blue collar type work. It has nothing to do with money, I just dig it. And his attitude toward it, �Just get on with it�, love it! It�s one thing to work hard and bitch about it, which does not turn me on, it�s another thing to just do what you gotta do and shut up already. That�s what I like.

I will watch any of those stupid Inferno/Gauntlet/ Road Rules-Real World Challenge shows if Landon is on them. Hopefully he won�t overdo it like that dude Mike (from New Orleans? I think?). He needs to go home and get a job or something. Really. Enough is enough.

Amazing how �The Real World� has been on since 1992 and still doesn�t get old. On the other hand, there�s �Survivor� that I LOVED when it first was on, but have missed this season so far and the last one altogether. Old. Boring. Mark, you can think up something better and new. Get on with it.

Yeah, I�m in somewhat of a pissy mood. The cabin fever is on the brink of changing to full out depression, if it hasn�t already. I NEED SUN. I�d go tanning, but that won�t work (logistically speaking).

No school today. I don�t know why, I think a 90 minute delay could have handled it. But what do I know? So I have teenagers up my ass again today. There has not been a full week of school at all this year. I�m serial. My dear cousin, who drives a school bus (bless her heart, I�d NEVER do that in a million years!), has the paychecks to prove it. At this rate, the kids will be in school until the 4th of July. Which, I suppose, is better for me. Better to not have them around when the weather is nice.

Okay, enough. I have to go deal with shit.


Listening to: "Look What You've Done" Jet. By far my fave new band. They remind me of the Beatles circa 1969.

Currently reading: "The Empty Chair" Jeffery Deaver.

Thinking about: I don't know. Nothing. My head hurts.