10 March 2005 | 10:15 a.m.

Freaky Little Nubbin

I can�t quite explain it, but dland is feeling a little, I don�t know, icky lately. Am I the only one feeling like this? I, mean, it�s not like a dlander in particular, it just feels icky. Maybe it�s just me. Maybe icky is the wrong word.

Yeah, everybody�s whining and complaining here, because they�re writing in their diaries and they write what they want. That�s why it�s so much fun. There�s nothing better than a good rant. Especially when it�s written by someone that�s all spun up. So we can read and think, �Hey, that�s me!�.


I went to Weight Watchers last night, despite a strong reluctance to. But I�ve got to get my ass in gear, I�ve got to face the music so I can do something about it. I�ve gained almost three pounds (a lot of which I think I just got rid of in the toilet), putting me 7 pounds or so over my goal weight. I can handle that. Another week, and I�d be up more. This winter thing is killing me, though. But I�ve said that before. Between being as sedentary and the urge to eat like a bear before hibernation, I am helpless. The feeling of general dissatisfaction isn�t helping much either.

I had this thing just under my eye, near my lower lash line. It looked like a little whitehead with no redness, but it was there for six months to a year. It didn�t get bigger or anything, it just sat there, unresponsive to popping which led me to believe that it was not a zit but some kind of odd growth. I just kind of lived with it, not too worried about what it was. For the past few months, it started to bother me more. I started to wonder if it might be one of those cysts like diabetics get before they know they�re diabetic, but it was small. And then I was worried about it being cancer and getting into my eye and then having to have my eye removed and becoming some kind of disfigured freak with one eye�because this is how I think, people. And I�m stressed about being fat, but being fat is nothing compared to having a hole in your head where your eye was.

So, lately this thing has had more of my attention. I tried to pop it again (foolishly, because in the back of my head I�m thinking, �Oh goodness if it�s cancer I�m just going to piss it off and then it�s gonna spread and I�m going to not only lose my eye but maybe half of my face too�), but it wouldn�t pop, but I did manage to get part of it to flake off a bit. And then I started to be more conscious of it because it was itchy a little and was bothering me for the past few days.

Last night, I was watching tv and smoking some pot and absentmindedly running my finger over this freaky little nubbin when it felt like it was loose. So I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and lo and behold, the white center was hanging off by a thread, so I grabbed my tweezers and gently removed it. Of course, like George Carlin says, everything that comes off the body must be inspected, and I was curious as to what this piece of shit was that had been living under my eye for so long�but it fell into the sink and was gone forever. Now there�s a little teeny crater where it was, and it�s a little itchy, but that�s all. You can�t even see it unless you�re right in my face (and that�s not gonna happen because I am very conscious of my 18 inches of personal space so do not get that close thank you very much).

I think it was a permazit. And the thing would have just stayed there forever if I wasn�t such a nervous wreck and didn�t insist on fucking with it. I feel so free now. I even woke Hub up to tell him about it.
Actually, that�s not why I woke him up. I woke him up because I was looking for some lovin�. The guy was up for since Tuesday morning and plowed for 24 hours straight, so he was tired when he got home yesterday afternoon. When I came home from Weight watchers and shopping, he and Minnie and Mickey were all passed out in the living room. Anyway, I managed to get Hub upstairs (I couldn�t carry him like I did the kids) and he passed out again. Like a rock (Bob Seger! 1986!). After a while of watching Peter Brady on �The Surreal Life�, I was horny, so I leaned over an started rubbing his dick. Wow does that work, his eyes popped right open. And I said, �Are you awake?� and he said, �yeah� and I said, �Look! My freaky nubbin is gone!�. He was so excited for me that we had sex and fell back to sleep. Okay, he was excited about me hitting him up for sex, I�ll admit it. But I was excited about permazit being gone.
I�m out, yo.

Listening to: Blondie "Heart of Glass". Again, Debbie Harry was the shit. =)

Currently reading: "The Empty Chair" Jeffery Deaver

Thinking about: When the hell Hub is going to stop hovering so I can get this posted