13 March 2005 | 12:38 p.m.

Snowed in again

Yesterday was probably the most relaxing day I�ve had in a long time. Once that stinky hangover was gone, it was all cake the rest of the day. Hub, obviously, was gone from 6 am until, I don�t know, midnight-ish. Butthead was with him from noon on. And Beavis had a couple of buddies over during the day, and went to a birthday right next door from 5 until 10. Beavis having friends over is as good as him being gone, they go outside or down in his room and I only see them at feeding time.

So, it was just me and Minnie and Mickey for the most part. Snowed in. I didn�t even take a shower yesterday, which is very unusual for me. I did shit like read, fuck around on the computer AND watched movies. I joined Bl0ckbuster 0nline which is way cool, and I finally watched �Office Space�. Yeah, it only took me six years. After having worked my share in cubicle world, I was cracking up. I�m going to watch I again before I send it back. I also got �The Grudge�, more for Hub and the boys than me, and �Absolute Power�, which will probably be tonight�s flick.

Mickey fell asleep on the couch around 6 pm. I did make him fish sticks for supper (he has been asking for them all the time lately, which is funny because I hadn�t made them in forever when he started asking), but he didn�t wake up at all so I set it aside in the fridge for him. When he finally woke up this morning at 7:00, I told him I�d made him fish sticks and all, and he asked for them for breakfast. So, yeah, he had fish sticks, fries du francais, with tah-tah sauce and ketchup at 7 this morning. Funny kid.

Speaking of which, tomorrow starts out our two days in Boston. Tomorrow is the easy day where we meet with the anesthesiologist at 2:00 pm for probably all of a half an hour. So, I just don�t see the point in driving 45 minutes (that would be straight through with no traffic, which I really can�t count on) for a half hour visit, so I�m going to make a day out of it. Go down early, have some lunch, fuck around, and show him around the cardiac floor. I�m bringing my camera, too, so be ready for some pics.

Tuesday, I don�t know what time we have to be there. I�ll find out tomorrow. I�m leaving Minnie at the drop in daycare in town on Tuesday. She�s pretty excited about that. For $35, it�s worth it.

I�m not as nervous as I should be. The kid is doing great. I don�t foresee any procedures anytime soon. But that statement could come back and bite me on the ass, so I�m not going to be too cocky. I�m not thrilled about them putting him under, that�s about my biggest worry right now. At least they know what they�re doing down there. He�s getting the best care in the whole world right there at Boston Children�s.

We�re going to lunch up the street, at the little plaza type place across from Beth Israel, where they have McD�s and the sushi place and the Chinese place�it�s on the corner of Brookline Ave and Longwood. Just in case anyone�s in town. Hub and I ate at that Chinese place for every meal for three days straight when Mickey had his surgery. And how was it that I gained more weight AFTER he was born than while I was pregnant? Let�s think about that�hmmm� Let�s just say I�ll stick to getting a salad at McD�s and totally avoid the General Gau�s chicken at the Chinese place.

Which, speaking of my weight, I have been rocking on the WW thing for the past four days. I�ve lost a good 4 lbs already. I took a different approach this time�instead of eating 22 points a day, which is the �weight loss� pointage for me, I aimed for 26 points a day, which is my �maintenance� pointage. No fucking problemo with the extra four points. So, we�ll see on Wednesday night.

Hub and Butthead have returned. Yey! Must mean I have to start wrapping this up.

But, wait! Just like yesterday, I have pictures. I took these first thing this morning. The one thing I like about the snow, besides the beacoup bucks Hub�s been making this winter, is how pretty it is. Especially right after it snows, before the stuff starts falling off the trees. So, here we go.

The view from the back of the house, formerly (and futurely, which I know isn�t a word) known as Mudville:

A view from the side of the house, which we call the back yard, even though it�s really the side:

This is a tree that usually isn�t so droopy:

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And from the front:

And that�s it. Now I will return to my regularly scheduled motherly duties. If I don�t update tomorrow or Tuesday, it�s only because of the Boston thing. I might find the time to squish it in, but I�m not making promises.

I�ll be back, yo!

Listening to: Michael Jackson, and I odn't remember the name of this tune, "Let's dance, let's shout, shake your body down to

Currently reading: "The Empty Chair" Jeffery Deaver. Almost done.

Thinking about: Lunch and shit.